Do you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be? I was confronted with these words the last couple of weeks, in the sense of 'Are we what we do?' Are we what our surroundings make us out to be? Are we what our profession tells us to be? Or are we maybe something else? During the first week of training we were confronted with why do you do the the things that you do? Is it maybe to impress someone? Or to reach a goal- for instance for self glorification? I use to think...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Hi all so this will be my first entry ever and I don't know wear to start. So much has happend but most of it can not be put into words, my journey with Jesus has been a long one but the past month I feel that I have only just scratched the surface of it. My emotions has been on a rollercoaster up, down, left and right but yet feeling closer to God like I never felt before. Thank you Jesus! I still have a lot to learn in my quiet time and journey with God, and my...
Have you ever lost yourself in a person, a situation or an addiction? Well, I have. Many times! The question I ask myself the most is: "Who am I?". Whenever I struggle with a situation, or argue with someone, I always go back to my core. Throughout my life, I struggled to find my true identity and I always relied on other people or things to make me unique. These past couple of weeks, I was confronted with this specific question once again. I came to realise that I am not other people, I am not depression, I am not...
This week we were construction workers under construction. Not only did I make a lasting contribution to the Global Leadership Academy by working on the school building, but God built into my life rather unexpectedly. During the day we worked physically, but it was after hours that God really worked in me. I can say with quite certainty that this week I heard the Holy Spirit's promtings and God's voice more clear than ever. Never have I ever been so excited to get to quiet time, because it was so alive. Through out the week God worked with me from...
Ever thought that you are in a stage in your life that is perfect? Maybe you thought “This is the place to be!” Well guess what... God has other plans, plans that are completely different from our plans and that is the topic I want to discuss today in my first blog ever. So here I am thinking I can only trust myself and rely on myself. I was (well I WAS) a guy who never asked for help from anyone when doing something, INCLUDING GOD ( BIG MISTAKE ). Life was great in the worlds eyes, but in Gods...