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Fireworks in the desert

I know people speak about "a dessert season" in their spiritual life, I did not think I would ever experience it and now that I am in that season I even thought it would be different, bad in a way. Let me put it like this. In a dessert everything looks the same. Every sand hill looks like the one you just passed. The sun and heat is so unbearing that you don't feel anything after a while. After a few hours you just stumble around and fall short not knowing what you are doing. With me I have a...
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I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly

Sometimes the birds need to leave the nest, well not just sometimes. It is a given. Birds are bound to fly, soar and poop on people to make their day interesting. Jeffrey's is like a nest for me, not in a passive "safe" way, it was just the place where I could grow and now it's time for them to kick me out of the nest.   Flying, doing what I was called for and learning how to use what is given to me, like my wings. Leaving a birth place, the place where missions was born in me, is...
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The Mystery

Jesus is the mystery. God says Jesus is a mystery. a Mystery is not easy to solve. I think God intended it to be a mystery for us ,because he does not want us to stop to get to know Jesus. He wants us to step into relationship with Him ,he wants to solve the mystery with us.. We are trained from a young age to learn how to do things on our own. But in a relationship with God He wants to do everything with us. My friendship with Jesus is mostly about religion and not relationship. When I...
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Thought on fasting

I can't believe it went by so fast. Last weekend we were at the Bloemfontein prayer meeting where over one MILLION people came together to pray for South Africa. What a amazing experience. You could feel the unity! But it doesn't stop there. We need to become a praying nation. We need to keep praying for our country. Fighting the battle on our knees. But before road tripping to Bloemfontein the community decided to do a Daniel Fast. To be honest I didn't really get the Daniel Fast but I did decide to fast sugar, dairy and meat. The fast...
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In awe of Him

In awe of Him
Angus heard God's heart and acted apon it, calling a nation to stand together. The 22nd of April was the prayer meeting in bloemfontein where 1.7 million people attended and I had the immense privilege to be one of them. It was time and I was standing on a hill in utter awe, looking down at the swarms of people that have come because of Jesus. Flabbergasted, I had to sit down for a while to take it all in. Looking around me, seeing people praying at the cross, seeing others crying and seeing some in joyous worship. I still...
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Waiting on Him

Waiting on Him
When I look around me I see a crowd of people. A rainbow nation from everywhere seeking one perpose. To pray to God to save our nation. Our God is on the move. I can feel Him. I am experiencing His fathers love for us. Here is an atmosphere of peace. Its like we are all accepted by one another and by God. When the whorship started, I started to cry I don't know why. I can't explain this feeling I had ,it was so overwhelming. For the first time in my life I really experience the Holy spirt. It...
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Meeting Daniel before a road trip

Meeting Daniel before a road trip
I don't even know what to say, so I am just going to tell you what we did and hope that God will reveal to you the significance of every small detail. One day at celebration we heard that the community are going to fast until the "It's time" prayer meeting in Bloemfontein. We as a team felt led to also fast and so we did. Fasting for me is to kill self, not feed flesh, and give space for Spirit to get fed and bloom. I fasted before (we did a Daniels fast) and never had it been this...
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The clouds of identity

God will always meet you at that crossroad... where you are, breaking down feeling unworthy or maybe not, maybe you are even standing there in awe. In wonder of who He is, what you have done and His grace that is just sweeping over in. It does not even matter where you are at, He will meet you there. I have learned that I have always put my identity in what I have done like the lost son feeling unworthy but God, man...God is just so amazing and He is my identity speaker, speaking into my life, speaking truth, speaking...
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Being open

She sinned much therefore she loved much. How do you wrap your mind around this? When we have struggels we can have more empathy with those that are also struggeling. When we are aware of our own weakness and vulnerability,we can love more unconditionally without trying to fix the other person. Jesus is busy transforming my thinking about everything, mostly to being open towards brokeness and vulnerability. I tend to run away from my flaws and insecurities, but Jesus wants me to run to it, to embrace it and bring it to Him. He wants me to embrace myself and...
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I belong.

The past few weeks have been crazy busy, but at the same time a great period of growth and being stretched. I learnt so much and God was just so present, showing me that He is with me no matter what, but it was tough. Here is a little something that sums up what was happening inside. Frustrated and angry with no one but myself and still blaming You. I struggle with my powerfully, doubtful mind that at times rudely shoves faith and belief out the door like an unwelcomed guest. I found myself screaming at You, until my voice...
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