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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

work Your way Australia 2010 video

work Your way in Astralia 2010, enjoy :)
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KENNY with wYw in India

 KENNY with wYw in India
  Here we are on the airport at Cairo International, just lying around waiting for our 1 am flight, when a little man with an even smaller bag comes and sits next to us and pulls out this huge bible. Obviously we notice and start a conversation.  As it is, he is a believer travelling around the world to different ministries as the Lord leads him, on his way to India. Where like, hey! That’s what where doing!  We invited him along and that’s how a very cool 3 weeks started with Kenny. Kenny has been walking with the Lord...
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wYw INDIA!!!

wYw INDIA!!!
  India 3 John 1:4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are living according to the truth. In the beginning of March wYw made their way from Johannesburg through Cairo into Mumbai. Where we had the expensive privilege to go and pray at the local Emmanuel children’s home and school.  As God has it only two weeks later the pastor mails us and shares that, the piece of land that is so desperately needed for expanding the ministry and previously not for sale. Now it has been offered to them for $10g’s less than it...
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Safe in Santa Cruz

Safe in Santa Cruz
Hi da is veilig in Santa Cruz Bolivia na twee leke aande op Brazil se sleepliners, ‘n nag op Campo Grande internastinaal en di langste en ongemaklikste 14uur overnight bustrip van my lewe nog, gelykstaande aan di “deathtrip” van ’06 in China. Op ‘n stadium gefoel ek doen EA en die ou in die donker langs my gestamp, net om spaans te hoor om te check. Op di oomblik is die drie van ons in ‘n baie oulike “backpackers” met baie potensiaal soos altyd. En herstel van die 4 aande op die pad. Ons is nog baie onseker oor wat...
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Healing The Broken Hearted

Healing The Broken Hearted
  Healing the broken hearted.  2008 is the national year of prayer for the evangelical church of Bosnia I Herzegovina (BiH). They are trusting God for Prophesy, word of knowledge, and direction. And we here at camp have taken the torch on for the summer.                                                              We have been at camp for over a month now having come throe two kids camps, teen's camp young adults and now busy with the highlight of them all, Youth camp. Focusing on prayer this year we have made it our aim to individually pray for and with each camper. It has really been respected,...
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What is a church made out of?

What is a church made out of?
What is a church made out of? If you would build a church were would you start?Would it be with a building plan and a trip to the hardware store? And after you've built it how long will it last? I am in Bosnia I Herzegovina (BiH) right now. Helping with the annual summer camps. It's a lot of fun but a little stretching on the language side. We have just finished our first Kids camp of 6 days and are already busy with the second. And this is watt I believe we are doing. We are building the church...
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Kids Camps in BiH


Dear friends!

Just a few quick pics to show you what we have been up to in Bosnia Hezegovina the past few weeks. Myself and a few South Africans are serving the local Christians in Summer Camps held for all age groups with the aim to bring them into a relationship with Christ!

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Rescuing Red Hill.

a-bou.jpgAs we arrived the fire fighters where still around. Extinguishing what
was left of a blazing fire that raged through the bottom camp of the
Red Hill community. As we walked through the camp there was the
lingering smell of burnt households and livestock. We where just
overwhelmed by what we saw. The hole bottom camp was burnt to the ground. People had lost everything. We asked a  resident, if anyone got hurt? He replied, no, that the fire happened when most people were at work.


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Where have I been? The January update.

hakkerville_jan_08_19.jpgJust want to say hi to every one that has been wondering where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to.

Well January had really kicked of very quickly and this is actually already February.

So the first week of Jan was preparing for the official start of Global Challenge eXtreme 2008 (GCX).

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Introducing Yellow Team

Global Challenge X has started! With anticipation and eagerness we look forward to this year! We as team can’t wait to get to know one another, we can’t wait to get to know God! To see Him, to experience Him! We as team can’t wait for you to get to know us…

So here we are:yellow_team.jpg

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