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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Beauty Restored... Worth of being a Woman

God has been putting something om my heart the last few weeks to share with you all. This journey started during Guatemala, but I´m still on it and will probably still be on it the rest of my life.. I grew up with a mindset of pride and thinking I never need men for anything, I can do everything on my own. So as soon as a guy will ask for help I would immediately say no thank you, I can do this on my own. I thought this was right and that all women feel this way. The in...
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Are you content? (Cont.)

Since the robbery where some of my things were stolen, God continued to journey with me on the topic of being content. So i see this as the follow up of being content.  In Guatemala the pastor approached me and said that I will preach in his church the following week. This was quite scary, because he is so radical and I didn't know what to preach on. Then God just started telling me I should talk about what I went through and being content. With this God took me to different scriptures about contentment and just broke it open...
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Are content? Is God really enough?

Waking up in the middle of the night after a bad dream, God lead me to pray. In my time praying I just experienced God wanting to do something different in the team, hitch-hiking. Here is what happend that had a BIG impact on me: As our time in Costa Rica came to an end, I felt God leading us as a team in n certain direction. I felt Him saying we should hitch-hike from Costa Rica to Guatemala and NOT to buy bus tickets (This was actually a blessing, because bus tickets would have been $130 per person). So...
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Clean hands & Pure Hearts

I want to testify of God’s goodness during our time in the Amazon and how He planned a divine appointment for us here in Iquitos. Our original plan was to travel from Iquitos to our contact in Benjamin Constance in Brazil’s side of the Amazon, but He had different plans.  Before arriving in Iquitos we have been praying about our time in the Amazon and staying here (Iquitos) a few days to see where we can assist with recent floods the. So as we arrived in Iquitos the plan was to split the team in 2, half would stay in...
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Overwhelmed by God Promises and His Faithfulness

So I believe you have read our Hidden world blog on our first week of travels. This was definitely not how you would start a journey - hitch hiking to Paraguay because you do not have enough money. But God provide to each of us in the way we needed and there is definitely a plan with our first week being so challenging regarding finances.   So we made it to Santiago, Chile, in one peace, very excited to do our first ministry. Immediately the church embraced us, loved us and blessed us. So for me only one word describes Chile - OVERWHELMED. It started by God...
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Godseeking lifestyle becoming reality and practical.

Mendoza... 4000km to Lima Peru via Bolivia and only 5 days to do it in a limited budget. Yes we arrived in Mendoza, Argintina and got the task to meet them in Lima, Peru in 5 days time with limited money. Our fist day we just rested at a hostel and figured everything out and really seeked God in our journey and how He wants us to travel.  The whole lime team experienced to travel to peru through Bolivia, which makes the yourney 1000km more than through Chilli. We started looking at prices for busses and trains, but because of...
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The "journey" before the real journey starts...

Were to begin on the last 6 weeks in Jeffreys bay... A few words that I gan think of to describe the past weeks in Jeffreys would be growth, unity, love, grace, compasion, friendship, prayer and team building. I say growth because not only did I grow, but we grew as a team closer and in unity. Spiritualy it was a great journey were in the first few weeks God really came to shape us and to prepare us for the journey, taking out and away stuff in us that we don't need. And through that I grew as person...
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My first GCEX 2010 blog

Hi everyone here from Jeffrey's bay. Currently we are busy with training, it's been only a week but we as a group already feels like family. This weekend we've done story telling, were every one in southbound shared their background with us, what God have been doing in their lives and how they got to Global Challenge. I was so surprised with the freedom God gave me through just sharing and every since I have an open relationship with God and with my team. It's also awesome how much healing you get from it and the growth with my relationship...
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Portugal….. I remember it as a time of confusion for me. But it was also a time I enjoyed very much!
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Gautemala, how I got challenged!



When I think back I remember all the colours and the atmophere and how God is busy there, working through different people. We started of with two days of physical work. We helped a church to build a new church. We had to get big stones and rocks for the building of the church. The first day I think we were just to many for the work, so the second day we split up into two groups.

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