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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Thank you NG Vaalrivier

We dedicate this video to NG Vaalrivier Vanderbijlpark to thank them for their contributions to our team and our travels as we spread the love of Christ throughout the world. Thank you!
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God´s abundant provision


Our life changing journey began with enormous favour from God. After constantly travelling for more than two days we had a choice to make: we knew we needed to get to Chile in four days time to begin our ministry but our bodies needed rest, and our finances were limited... We didn’t even have enough money to travel to Asuncion in Paraguay to catch our flight to Chile. 


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Peru, where mountains proclaim: "Jesus is Lord!"

This month God used us to reach the hidden world as we missioned into Andes mountains, and returned with more stories than we can blog... 

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Hidden world deals with their demons...

Well, what an exciting month, full of adventure and trials… the normal Christian life.

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Urgently send Hidden World to Tibet.....

Urgently send Hidden World to Tibet.....
Five Hidden World members were urgently called to Tibet. This door only remains open until the beginning of October and until when it will be closed, we do not know.   Tibet is known as a closed country and is under a lot of oppression. Tourist could not enter for a while until June of this year and cannot enter after the 1st of October. Thus we are left with a very small open door. We arrived in Nepal and waited on the Lord for a clear direction of where to go. As He provided for us opportunity after opportunity...
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Petals in the wind

Petals in the wind
The truth is my friend, we are all just petals in the wind, broken off from beauty, and now scattered across the world. Whenever you feel alone, or like building up a hidden tower, remember, we will always be part of the same wildflower… Raised up in a hidden forest by a caring Gardener, to send His fragrance into a world who has lost His splendour.  "Lord, make my petal last longer… I need to save them… make me stronger!"  "But child, it was never your job to plant. Just display a glimpse of the beauty of what My hands...
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Live in every situation

I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little...


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Building faith like no other - Luke 10

The long awaited Luke 10 journey...

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Belize and it’s many blessings

How God took a screensaver and made it our reality, just because we were content.

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Wired into Christ

Colombia... where we will always remember a different version of John 15, "Remain in Me, and I will remain in you."

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