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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Luke 10 - High up in the Andes mountains, Ecuador

Luke 10 - High up in the Andes mountains, Ecuador
  Luke 10 - Ecuador.. in a nutshell - die BLOU span - ek, Charlotte, Jana & Jansie Dag 1 : Ons is die oggend 11uur weg by die nice backpackers in Quito na die dorpie Mira- het as span gebid en gevoel ons moet soentoe,  daar is by die 12 duisend inwoners in Mira waarvan meeste op plase werk as general labors, dus is dit 'n arm dorpie. Afstand gewys is dit redelik naby (300km) aan mekaar mar agv die Andes berge,  vat dit baie lank om iewers uit te kom. Net buite die backpackers het ons by locals...
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The beginning of my Journey!

Back into my history...   I grew up in a loving family which consist of my dad- Kobus, mom- Liza and sister- Danelle. I couldn't ask for more, Mom and Dad worked hard all their live to provide for me and my sister, wish they would retire and have time to enjoy life. Anyway I always knew the Lord, in the way most people know Him. He exist and I went to Church but never had a relationship with Him . I was in the world, experimented with everything and lived to have fun and to see how far boundaries can be pushed. Because of me,...
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