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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Portugal - Karlien

Hi everyone, we are currently in Egypt, but this message will be about the amazing time we spent in Portugal.
We were greeted with a nice Afrikaans hello when we arrived in Portugal by Oom Manie and his wife Annelie. Arriving in Portugal, we immediately started to work, by handing out pamphlets at different schools about the Sunday service.
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When I think of Guatemala, I think of Chicken Busses (explenation will follow later), colourful markets, language chaos due to lack of Spanish skills and the story of Ben, the pastor.
Let me give you a better idea of what I am talking about...
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Prayer Request

Hi all! We are currently in Guatamala, in a town called Panajachel, it is incredibly beautiful! I feel on my heart that I want to share someting with you and ask you to pray for us. We are currently on a very tight budget. The Lord has provided for us incredibly during this trip and we trust that He will continue to do so. I do want to ask you to please pray for our time here in Guatamala specifically. We are going to help finishing a house for a widow with 6 children and a grandchild and try to...
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First blog for 2008!

Hi everyone! Well, I had the best end of 2007 and best beginning of 2008 ever! We arrived in Hawaii on the 23rd of Nov (we had the 23rd twice!). We camped at the YWCA, right next to the sea! The people did think we are crazy to camp, because it is their raining season! But it was beautifull! The mountains of Hawaii is something that I will never forget! We went to a Christmas eve service at a church nearby...beautiful! In Hawaii, they say ¨Mele Kieliekemaka, which means, Merry Christmas! We went to Kailua beach on Chistmas morning to...
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Male Kilekimaka (Merry Christmas!)

Hi all! Or should I say, Aloha!! Hope all of you had a blessed Christmas time with family and friends! We started our Christmas Day watching the sunrise on a beautiful beach! It was stunning! Hawaii is really beautiful, and for those of you who didn't know, LOST and JURASSSIC PARK was shot here! So imagine! Our time here so far has been one of rest and de-briefing India, and so far it has only been blessed! We are camping at the YWCA camp ground, right in front of the sea!! The local people think we are insane because we...
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India continued...

Well, the last time I emailed you, we were on our way to the Taj Mahal...What an experience! It is a beautifull place! Very interesting and facinating to see! After that we went to a marble shop where they showed us howe they made the marble things, very interesting. But it is only after that that the fun/chaos started! We drove 5hours to the train station in Delhi to take a train on our way to the Himalayas... A train experince in India... now that is something that I can write a book about! It is CRAZY! People everywhere, sitting, sleeping. When...
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India Blog

Hi all, sorry for blogging such a long time ago! Times are crazy! This blog is about part of India and I'm sorry to say that it is in Afrikaans, because it is a mail I sent a while back, so sorry for all the english speaking folks! The next one will be in english!
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Me, Marliaan, Marna, Janica and Roelf flew via Hong Kong to India. So we relived the movie " The Terminal" because we had to sleep and live at the airport for a whole day! We slept in the emergency exit room!! It was very funny! The part that is not funny is that my bag did not arrive in Hong Kong and they are still looking for it!!!! It has almost been 24hours and they still dont know where my bag is! We are flying to India in 2hours and hopefully they are going to send my bag to India . Please pray that...
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Last days in Malaysia

Wow! Time is going by so fast! We are having a very blessed time here in Malaysia. Still strugling a bit with the VERY HOT AND HUMID weather, but we are having a great time. Every day I just realise more and more how blessed we are living in South Africa where we have freedom of speech! For these people Christianity is not a religion but a true relationship with God! It is very inspiring to see how they live and how they trust God for everything!! My email adres on the blog is incorrect, I will try to fix it as soon...
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Greetings from Malaysia

Hi all!! Everything is really great here! Our time in Hong Kong was AWESOME!! Let me tell you about the miracle that happened to us in Hong Kong… We need to draw money from the ATM, but the machine didn’t want to work, so this guy came up to us and asked if he could help us. We told him that we need money to buy lunch and get to the airport. He said OK, went to the ATM,came back and gave us 1000Hong Kong Dollars!! And we only needed 200!!! Then he just disappeared!! It was AWESOME! And just...
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