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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Broken in the hands of the Almighty

What does it mean to say one is broken or to be broken? How many times have we used this term on ourselves without knowing what it entails? The Bible even makes reference to this word a couple of times. So what is it all about? Over the last 3 months, I have been praying and asking the Lord to break me and teach me what this truly means. I believe that He has revealed a small part of brokenness to me. I would like to share this with you….. In Mark 14:3 it refers to the woman breaking the...
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Who Is This God We Serve?

He is the God who chooses who should go and who should stay He is the God who opens up the way He is the God who called you by name He is the God who never shares His fame Who Is This God We Serve? He is the God who knows your every thought, your every word, your every action He is the God of every tongue, tribe and nation He is the God who knows the beginning from the end and everything in between Who Is This God We Serve? He is the God who chose you He...
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Who Is This God We Serve?

He is the God who chooses who should go and who should stay He is the God who opens up the way He is the God who called you by name He is the God who never shares His fame Who Is This God We Serve? He is the God who knows your every thought, your every word, your every action He is the God of every tongue, tribe and nation He is the God who knows the beginning from the end and everything in between Who Is This God We Serve? He is the God who chose you He...
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Ietsie om oor huis toe te skryf...(in English)

Ietsie om oor huis toe te skryf...(in English)
  By Marcel & Marizel Doing our bit to add flavour to Global challenge 2009 (wish we could add real tastes and smells too!) :-) Welcome everyone to the first of our new series called "Ietsie om oor huis toe te skryf...". This directly translated from Afrikaans to English means "Something to write home about..." and the inspiration came when experiencing something so life changing, we really felt inclined to write home about it and share with the people at home, so... here's our guava juice and later on mango juice experience* Not so long ago (3 days to be exact)...
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All out for the EvanGEELIE!!

All out for the EvanGEELIE!!
  48 People, millinons of dreams,loads of expectations and ONE misssion: to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the world...and it all starts at basecamp. basecamp started with a big bang! One of the combies broke down on the way to J-bay and some of the team members found out with a big suprise that they would be sleeping on the ground, as they forgot their mattrasses. Even though there were a few hick ups to start with, it has not bring our spirit down! So what is basecamp? Basecamp is where you go back to basics, where we get...
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Guatemala construction

Guatemala construction
    For the last week and a half, we have been busy building a house for one of the local families in a town close to ours. The building site is about an hour's walk from the place we stay and is situated at the top of a fairly steep hill. So all the Global Challenger's got the chance to get their fitness levels up to standard again! We divided ourselves into three or four teams and each team had to complete a specific task. There was the stair building team, the roof team, the concrete mixing team and then the...
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