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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Who Is This God We Serve?

He is the God who chooses who should go and who should stay He is the God who opens up the way He is the God who called you by name He is the God who never shares His fame Who Is This God We Serve? He is the God who knows your every thought, your every word, your every action He is the God of every tongue, tribe and nation He is the God who knows the beginning from the end and everything in between Who Is This God We Serve? He is the God who chose you He...
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The Mug and Dougnut coffee experience

Vision: To enjoy a coffee in every country we visit. Mission: To enjoy a special coffee moment with Mug(Marcel) and Dougnut(Dauw). To evaluate every coffee experience on the following 10 point scale. Evaluation: Location Atmosphere Service Menu Cost/quality ratio Coffee appearance Aroma Taste Frothiness General Note: Ocasionally a special guest will be invited to share in this special moment! Points Scale Israel Turkey Guatemala London Russia Location   3/5   3/5       Atmosphere   4/5   3/5       Service   3/5   2.5/5       Menu   5/5   5/5       Cost-quality  ...
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Broken in the hands of the Almighty

What does it mean to say one is broken or to be broken? How many times have we used this term on ourselves without knowing what it entails? The Bible even makes reference to this word a couple of times. So what is it all about? Over the last 3 months, I have been praying and asking the Lord to break me and teach me what this truly means. I believe that He has revealed a small part of brokenness to me. I would like to share this with you….. In Mark 14:3 it refers to the woman breaking the...
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2 Surprises and a Sour Grapefruit

The second North bound challenge started with 1 grapefruit and 1 mission; to get to the Sea of Galilee as quick as possible!!! A welcome surprise awaited our blue team as we met up with Anthony who was to give us the rest of the tasks. We heard that we would be challenging with an extra team member. His name.......Trent! Just to explain a bit: Trent is a guy we met while traveling in Israel. He is from Canada and is a youth pastor there at his church. The last couple of days he has been traveling with us and we have really...
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Mug&Dougnut in Turkey

This week the Mug&Dougnut was accompinied by the delightful Mss. Marietjie van Wyk as special guest to the coffee experience. In beign the professionals that we are, the M&D pride themselves inviting the best coffee connoiseurs from right across the world to share their expert opinions! This is what she had to say: It is with great excitement that I share my experince of the first official gathering of the Mugg(Marcel) and Dougnut(Dauw) coffee experience. Since it is a privelage to be the first guest to be invited to such an esteemed gathering, I was greately honoured by the company...
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