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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

And We Dance

Our time in Johannesburg has flown by!   One of the most blessed and challenging aspects of this season has been stepping into worship through dancing. I’ve always loved to worship the Lord through song and have often felt the nudging to really dance before the Lord as well but have never had the courage to do so publicly. However, freedom is now the word I’m associating with worship and so dance before the Lord I shall!   I’m so excited about the new ways that Holy Spirit is speaking to my heart and moving in my life. It feels...
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I love Love

God is an artist
Global challenge is all about learning. I’m currently still working on time management though so reader, prepare yourself for a speed story.   The first couple weeks of the challenge have been filled to overflowing with.. well challenges... personally, spiritually, in groups, while being far more unclean (literally covered in dirt and sweat) then I’d anticipated and also in spaces I’d never dreamed I’d be in before (like the time I was sleeping in a shelter with my team and a snake slithered up against my arm and there was NOTHING I could do about it). Suffice to say one...
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