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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Visa oder kein Visa, das ist hier die Frage...

Was wuerdest du tun, wenn du dein Visa beantragen wuerdest und die Botschaft dir das Visa verweigern wuerde? Wuerdest du es nochmals versuchen? Oder gar ein drittes und viertes mal? So jedenfalls haben wir es gemacht, als wir uns von Gott nach Bolivien gefuehrt gefuehlt haben. Hier eine Zusammenfassung dieser fuer mich so unglaublich lehrreichen Story: Angefangen hat alles in Lima Peru, wo der Botschafter persoenlich uns empfangen hat und gesagt hat das die Papiere in Ordnung seien, er uns das Visa aber nicht geben kann, weil wir zuvor nach Chile reisen wuerden. Als wir dann in Chile in der...
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In which reality do YOU choose to live

During the last 42 days I experienced so much of God, Words can't even begin to explain the goodness of our God. For Mexico I was holding  on to the promise that God gave us earlier  in the year. Promising that He will provide a host for us and a place where we can serve and walk in His will. Now keep in mind that we are on a $2 budget for central America for everything!! This means trusting God not 98% not 99.99% but 110%. This was the decision I made to trust God, with everything completely. So let...
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One thing we experienced in an abundance during the last three weeks was how God loves to provide every single thing we needed. And sometimes even more than only our needs but even what we desired without any real need for it. God as our provider. This may sound familiar for you - so it was for me as well - because I heard a lot of teachings about this. But to experience his love and care for me in a daily way was something totally different. It was and is just mindblowing!!! Here are some examples: On the sea...
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