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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

What is faith

I have been thinking about this topic recently and my understanding of the word faith has just been challenged in so many ways.

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Have you ever felt like life is just a pass by? Felt like life is just a prolonged way of wasting your time? Have you ever felt like there is no purpose for your life?

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Is Jesus enough?

Why do you believe in Jesus? Is it because you are afraid to go to hell or because somebody told you that your life will be better when you accept Him? This is a question I have been confronted with the last couple of days... Apart from Christ I have discovered that my life is empty, aimless and meaningless. I found that the entire meaning of life is to die from myself and live through Christ. After I discovered this I decided to surrender my whole being to Christ! I decided to give  up my own plans and do whatever God asks...
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Riding the wave

I have a vision... A vision of hope, a vision of glory, a vision of awesome power beyond measure! I believe that a huge wave is coming, not necessarily a physical wave but a spiritual wave! A wave that consumes everything, that brings hearts to life, that renews and restores and heals! I believe that this wave is on its way and that we will experience Gods furious love and indescribable power! God is giving each of us an open invitation to ride this wave. It's up to you... If you don't you certainly will miss out... It's up to you! Will you join us...
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We are called!!

Sometimes we feel like we're just living, without purpose or cause... Sometimes life just goes on and we feel meaningless, just doing my job, going to school or varsity or whatever it may be... I tell you this is a lie from the devil himself! The moment you start thinking that you are purposeless you become exactly that... Purposeless! We all have our situations and our environments and we are placed there by God. We are called to change lives, to make a difference in the world, to be godly men and women of Christ. We are called to be the difference by...
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Are you Jesus?

Are you Jesus? Most of you would be offended by this question. How can I even ask this? Let me explain what I mean... We all have friends who feel offended by the cross. We all have friends who feel that they don't like this "Jesus" that we speak of. We all have friends who know the truth but refuse to accept it... Why I ask you? Why would someone know that something is true and still refuse to accept it? The answer is simple... Because we who are Christians don't live the Gospel! We accept it and believe that it...
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Do you have a dream? If not, think abaout it...

Have you ever felt like your not meant to be anything, that your just another lame nobody?A purposeless being who just go through the motions of life? Well I fell in this trap. I told myself that just an average life is enough for me, that I'm not worth having a great dream! I recently discovered that this is not true, that there is more to life t just an average, ordinary, boring life. Each of us is unique and special and has our own unique and special talents and skills. God gave them to us and He gives us...
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A different kind of Jesus

I met Jesus yesterday... He had torn clothes and in His drunkenness, highness and with glue dripping from His nose He asked me if I could hold His hand... I was shocked! I never thought that I would meet Him in the streets of Nakuru... In the hearts of  homeless street kids who have nothing to offer but love... You see what I have come to realize is that nothing can separate you from God's love, not the things you do, where you come from or what you have or don't have.  God is love and those kids just desperately...
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Small plans...

So my bag was stolen... . Why would God do this? I thought He looks after us and our stuff and that everything always works out for the best if you trust Him... But, sometimes we just miss the entire picture and get it all wrong. For the past two weeks Cornie and I have been waiting in Addis Ababa for my passport and God just had it all planned. We went to a local international church and saw Ethiopia stretching her hands to God. We met the Pastor after the service and Cornie felt led to ask him about...
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Going to Jinka

In a few hours time we'll be leaving to Jinka in the south of Ethiopia. A place where killing someone of the other tribe with a spear or an AK-47 is nothing out of the ordinary. It is a place where chiefs rule and there word is law. We are going to visit an orphanage where mingi children who were saved from the dead, are raised and looked after.   To read more about mingi and the tribes near Jinka go to this website...  >><<
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