Have you ever felt like life is just a pass by? Felt like life is just a prolonged way of wasting your time? Have you ever felt like there is no purpose for your life?
I think most of us do, or have at least thought about it... I certainly have and I sometimes still do feel like that!
Some of us die without ever knowing why we even lived in the first place...
I have been thinking about life and I realized that we've been missing the point by far! Most of us believe that our soul purpose in life is to be successful, which is very much the truth but our definition of success is messed up! Most of us measure success by the amount of money we have, or our position at our job, the amount good things we do, or whether we are good parents or spouses.
Even if you have all these things you will never be successful and you will never have joy. Ask a rich man if he has enough money and my point will be proven.
What if I told you that there is more to life? That you can overflow with joy no matter your circumstances! What if I told you that you have a divine purpose which will bring you endless joy? What if I told you that God loves you? What if I told you that your soul purpose in life is to love Him back and to fulfill His perfect plan for your life?
Your life is not a mistake! God planed your life before you were even born!
It is time to stop trying to get through life and start living the life God intended for you!
Awesomeness tot in die derde mag!