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Global Challengers in Training

Ek doen hierdie jaar Explore Africa om die Here se naam te gaan verkondig in Afrika lande. My span is Madeleen, Magdel, Gerrie en Cornelius en ons het al julle gebede en ondersteuning nodig. Een van die beste weke in my lewe is verby en het ook nou begin...  -Ons het met die Veritas kursus begin. -Ons het in ons verskillende spanne ons lewens verhale vir mekaar vertel en mekaar beter leer ken en vertrou in die proses. -Ons het uitgehelp by Itemba, 'n naskool sentrum waar ons geverf het, gespeel het met die kinders en ook hulle boeke oorgetrek...
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Climbing the mountain...

When you think of climbing a mountain, two things could go through your mind. The first is the effort that it would take to make it to the top (believe me it does take a lot of effort!), and the second is endurance to see God's glory in the end. In life you always have a choice... either to go on through your struggles or to give up when it gets a little bit rough and believe me it will sometimes get rough! When we climbed mount Sinai yesterday I saw a tiny glimpse of God's splendor when we reached...
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Jabulani Africa

I don't know if you know the feeling you get when your busy with praise and worship but you feel a kind of numbness at the same time?  This happened to me the other night while I was truly seeking God and wanted to meet with Him but I just couldn't get myself to that point... So I prayed that God would put a feeling in my heart, anything, but that He would just put something there. Just as I finished my prayer I began to think about Africa and all the corruption and other religions that taints the land. The next moment I started praying...
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A different kind of Jesus

I met Jesus yesterday... He had torn clothes and in His drunkenness, highness and with glue dripping from His nose He asked me if I could hold His hand... I was shocked! I never thought that I would meet Him in the streets of Nakuru... In the hearts of  homeless street kids who have nothing to offer but love... You see what I have come to realize is that nothing can separate you from God's love, not the things you do, where you come from or what you have or don't have.  God is love and those kids just desperately...
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We always have a choice...

The other night Gerrie, Connie and I were walking to buy something when two guys stopped us and asked whether we speak english (because we are in a french speaking country). They come from Liberia and told us that they have been traveling for seven years because of the instability and war in their country. They heard that matters have settled in their country and have been trying to get to an  liberian embassy. Unfortunately there isn't an embassy here and they asked us to help in anyway we could. We have a very thin budget so we decided that it should come from personal...
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Are you alive or are you merely breathing?

What is a Christian? Somebody who goes to church every Sunday or who "knows" who Jesus is... Or is there so much more to it?  The Bible says that we must not be lukewarm but either warm or cold. This implicates that God would rather have us cold then lukewarm. Just "knowing" Jesus will not suffice. You need to have a living relationship with him.  God wants us to really seek Him in everything we do and to listen to His voice... even if it while your studying or working or doing whatever you do. Just spend some time with Him and ask Him what...
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Going to Jinka

In a few hours time we'll be leaving to Jinka in the south of Ethiopia. A place where killing someone of the other tribe with a spear or an AK-47 is nothing out of the ordinary. It is a place where chiefs rule and there word is law. We are going to visit an orphanage where mingi children who were saved from the dead, are raised and looked after.   To read more about mingi and the tribes near Jinka go to this website...  >><<
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Small plans...

So my bag was stolen... . Why would God do this? I thought He looks after us and our stuff and that everything always works out for the best if you trust Him... But, sometimes we just miss the entire picture and get it all wrong. For the past two weeks Cornie and I have been waiting in Addis Ababa for my passport and God just had it all planned. We went to a local international church and saw Ethiopia stretching her hands to God. We met the Pastor after the service and Cornie felt led to ask him about...
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And so it all begins...

This is the day that the Lord has called us for... In a few hours time we will be off to Zanzibar to begin the rest of our training and to start off our trip through Africa... Please pray for our safety and that the Lord will place us where he wants us. See you guys in November
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Do you have a dream? If not, think abaout it...

Have you ever felt like your not meant to be anything, that your just another lame nobody?A purposeless being who just go through the motions of life? Well I fell in this trap. I told myself that just an average life is enough for me, that I'm not worth having a great dream! I recently discovered that this is not true, that there is more to life t just an average, ordinary, boring life. Each of us is unique and special and has our own unique and special talents and skills. God gave them to us and He gives us...
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