This is a country where kites soar above your head while people peacefully go about their daily tasks. It wasn't always like this. Rwanda has a dark history which is so dark that one would not think that this is the same country as 25 years ago.
In 1994 for a period of 100 days the streets of Kigali, the capital, were drenched in blood. A million people lost their lives. The smell of dead bodies flooded the air while dogs feasted on human flesh. Neighbours turned against each other and even family. Fear, rape, abuse and hate dominated Rwanda indicating that this was truly a demonic occurrence. People were beaten to death that caused emotional scars for those who survived the genocide.
Everything seemed hopeless. The genocide came to an end. How would this country stand up again after such a terrible event? The thing is that there is always hope if you have God. Slowly, but surely He started to transform Rwanda. People started to forgive each other and the country was starting to reunite as a nation. Peace took the place of hatred and fear. Smiles and friendliness are evident everywhere now.
I will remember this country of a thousand hills as a nation where people live in harmony and care for each other. The world can learn from Rwanda who models unity among people like no other nation. The peace of God rests on this country with its amazing wildlife and people.