The "real" world is a scary place most of us create in our minds. I for one thaught that after our training period had finished I might slowly carve back into my old path.
This has been proven false and I couldn't be more confident in the eternal changes God has established.
We stay in the same world that we did five or even ten years ago, time doesn't change us but our circumstances do. What we take from these circumstances into the ones that follow form us and if led by God helps us shape the world.
With this I would like to encourage you that though circumstances are temporary their effects in many cases should be kept eternal or they would have been a waste.
As the old saying goes, God can draw a straight line with a bent stick.
All we as bent sticks have to do is allow ourselves to be straightened in time by his spirit and have him draw through us without bias to the way he chooses to do so.
Amen to eternal changes Dercksen!! Things will never be the same again!