Our journey took an unexpected turn due to the civil unrest in Venezuela and we were detoured to Santa Marta. The team has had a great time just pouring out what we have received, serving with La Esparanza chuch and South American Missions.
And what an interesting time we've had! The South-Americans have quite an outward focused culture. Since that first week in Sao Paulo I've been amazed by the sense of community facilitated by living on your front porch and in the streets. As a result, outside-church seem to be the order of the day. We've had church and other meetings under amongst others a mango tree with a monkey watching the proceedings from a rooftop, an orange tree, in neighbourhood parks, a city park, a closed-off street etc.
The culture has also facilitated a "new" manner of evangelism for our time here... Picture this, a group of gringo's* invading a park filled with late-afternoon, post-work Colombians, inviting them to a central place. Here they do dramas, share a bit of who they are, why their God has the power to save, and a testimony of His grace in their lives.
This as been our " gameplan" on a few occasions, and I love it! There is a reason why Paul was found preaching in the marketplace. There is something to this approach that is inclusive and accessible, something that is sadly so often lacking in traditional churches. Something that is fresh and new, it makes people take notice! The story is shared to tourists, beggars, street vendors and business men alike. The story is presented in a simple and pure way with no extra baggage. And man has God shown up! The Spirit moved in the dusky heat, hearts were touched and lives changed through simple conversations fueled by His love. What a creative God we serve - the inclusive, loving, inviting, not-bound-by-church, marketplace God!
*Gringo: grin·go
n. pl. grin·gos Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a foreigner in Latin America, especially an American or English person.
This gringo is reminded on a daily basis of how much God loves people! And that He loves me enough that I was made a minister of reconciliation, that if you say you are a Christian but you don't have a heart for the lost, you're missing something!
How wonderful! It moves my heart to hear about your open air outreaches. Keep following where He leads.