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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Distant Worlds gets detoured!

Distant Worlds gets detoured!

Our bodies have been described as temples of the Holy Spirit and as clay in the hands of the Potter. It is an awe-inspiring, intricate tool for the Kingdom, made according to a blueprint designed by an Almighty God. 

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In the marketplace

In the marketplace
Our journey took an unexpected turn due to the civil unrest in Venezuela and we were detoured to Santa Marta. The team has had a great time just pouring out what we have received, serving with La Esparanza chuch and South American Missions.    And what an interesting time we've had! The South-Americans have quite an outward focused culture. Since that first week in Sao Paulo I've been amazed by the sense of community facilitated by living on your front porch and in the streets. As a result, outside-church seem to be the order of the day. We've had church...
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