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Seeking God's presence

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Jesus, I love You

WhatsApp Image 2018 10 01 at 17.09.33

Dear Jesus,

I adore You, I stay in awe and wonder of whome You are, what You have done for me, How much You loved me even before I was born, the way You always stand with open arms to hold me tight. You are there when I am in a bad situation, You are there in the joy and good times, You gide my steps for me, You keep me warm when life is cold, You are the  light in my darknes. You sent me a helper to always stay with me, to guide me, to teach me, to show me the Love You have for me. 

You were, are and always will be in everything. The most amazing sunrises, the greatest storms, the green forests, the blue ocean, the brown deserts, the birds of the sky, the animals on the ground, the fish in the sea, the stars in the sky. I breathe You with every breath I take. I see You in every move I make. You are God. You are my King and I am Your servant. 

Jesus, I Iove you 

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