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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


Surprise! I am writing this blog now, not while perched on a hill in Malaysia, or by the side of the fire in Kenya, but in my bed in my old room. My global journey was last year but yewwww it did not hit a wall there. I can, however, see the sun rising over the Jeffreys Bay sea. I came home for the weekend to visit my parents. Now why am I writing this blog? I want to share about “life after global”, but I don’t particularly like using this phrase since surely there was also life before Global...
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Live without a bubble


Like in the movie Bubble boy, we as humans tend to live in a bubble, a space where we feel save and comfortable to live our lives. But we go in to defence mode and attack people when ever thay threaten our bubble. The same goes with religion. 

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557 Hits

fix your focus

Taking photos in the outdoors we see this eagle in flight and pull out our camera's immediately focussing on the eagle close by and blurring out the rest, zooming in to see the detail of the eye forgetting about the rest. Having the right angle to capture the Beauty of the feathers, have the shutter speed just right to catch the perfect shot. Have the aperture bigger to capture more light to emphasize the Eagle. Have the right aspect ratio to get the size of the photo right.   We are so focused on using all these features to get...
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580 Hits

Accepting vs Understanding

The Lord brought me into the light of a lot of exposure during the course of this past year. And many times I stood in a valley of decision. I had the choice to let the exposure pass me by as an experience that looks cool in my instagram pictures, or I could grab it by the horns and ride it all the way into wisdom canyon. This is a pretty metaphor to describe the sometimes seemingly ugly process we’ve all been in, of struggling with questions and finding their answers. It’s usually a more painful and tormenting process. I...
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681 Hits

“May All Who Come Behind Us Find Us Faithfull.”

There are not many grand moments in life, even though this moment, this year was one of the grandest, I know that after this year we will hardly live life in those grand moments. We will live in the utterly mundane. This used to scare me but then I looked closer to these mundane spaces that we exist in.: the bathrooms, the bedrooms, living rooms and the hallways of life. This is where the character of our lives is set. This is where we will live a life of faith. And that my friends makes me even more excited, because...
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1333 Hits

This is it

They say doing a year like this is jumping into the deep end. But I experience it quite different. Jumping into the deep end only comes after doing a year like this. These people have been a part of every moment of my shaping and changing. They push me to be better. To press in when I feel like I can’t. To look up instead of surroundings. To pray first, always. They know me better than I’ve ever experienced someone knowing me, and I see Jesus in every single one of them so clearly. Parting from this family is to...
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935 Hits

The deeper waters

Growing up, my father would take us on many vacations to the oceans of the South African east coast. And because of these precious childhood memories, the ocean occupies a special chamber in my heart. Being in it, whether in the calm, still deep or in the gushing waves, I feel an undeniable awareness of my emotional and spiritual self. Because I simultaneously feel so at home and so out of my comfort zone. I experience peace and fear, calmness and excitement, energy and relaxation, all at the same time. And spending our time between the beautiful islands of the...
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Make way for the things that cannot be shaken

We talk a lot about trusting God and embracing Him no matter the circumstance, but when push comes to shove is that really our response? The last few months I have been praying a prayer: “God, I want to be a woman of faith. Would you expand my faith and what I can handle, that I may know and trust you more? Create in me a heart of faith and a confidence in You that is unshakeable!” I have been asking Jesus to take my faith to new depths for MONTHS!!! And to be honest, I had sort of come...
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Why are you here?

Why are you here? Why did you decide to do this journey? What did you want out of it? Were you prepared to give up this much?    Throughout the last few weeks i’ve been confronted with questions that challenged my heart in a very surreal way.  Have you found comfort in your uncomfortable circumstances? Are you comforted by the people in your team that has become family to you?  Get uncomfortable. Comfort can become the killer if you let it.    Who would’ve thought that one can find comfort and become comforted in the most uncomfortable circumstances?  And once...
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Jesus, I love You

Jesus, I love You
Dear Jesus, I adore You, I stay in awe and wonder of whome You are, what You have done for me, How much You loved me even before I was born, the way You always stand with open arms to hold me tight. You are there when I am in a bad situation, You are there in the joy and good times, You gide my steps for me, You keep me warm when life is cold, You are the  light in my darknes. You sent me a helper to always stay with me, to guide me, to teach me, to...
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