This year, I have learned to sing to the Lord a new song. I got on a plane headed to South Africa knowing that I was jumping off the high dive into the deep end. Fortunately, God is faithful to His Word. There were times when I thought, "I can’t do this" to which God replied to me “I am.”
I think before this year I knew God. I had seen Him work around me and through me into the lives of others. But, I have been opened up into an entirely different facet of who God is. He is faithful, He fulfills promises, He makes the impossible possible, He is the “I am.”
I sat next to a man on the plane on the way home and, as usual, I struck up a conversation. During the initial mingling stage of the conversation He pulled out some literary works that he suggested I read. “Conversations with God” was one of the titles of the books that He handed to me, He said that it had changed His life. As we began talking more about this suggested read, the man proclaimed himself an atheist, but said that if you read the book from the prospective that God is actually love then he agrees with pretty much everything in the book. The man went on and on about how turning to love and finding love (his god) in everything made his life so peaceful, yet on the other hand he was chatting about how hectic all areas of his life were regarding relationships and therapist visits and even happiness in the workplace.
The more I talked to this man, the more I saw myself in him. What I mean is, this man had discovered a hint of one aspect of who God is and clung onto that and made it his god instead of continuing to see how much more there is. This man was so overtaken by the power that he had found in love, that he stopped there and was not willing to even turn to discover the God that is so much greater than just love.
One thing that I have seen this year is that when I think I am on the verge of thinking I understand who God is and what He is truly like in His totality, He moves and then I fall in love all over again with the beauty of how much bigger and unlike anything or anyone else He is.