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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


So far my journey has been...a journey! This is definitely not something that they tell you in training or even sign-up. No-one to share any revelation that you get during solo time, there is no-one watching your every move and reminding you to have solo time. There is no travel team, no finance team, no food team, and believe me there is no clean-up team. Everything is going so slowly and when I look at my watch I see what felt like 5 hours was in fact 5min. During the day I ponder on all the revelation I ever received this year(maybe not EVERY SINGLE ONE but a lot of them) and a song came on called "Like a Lion" the singer's name is Daniel Bashta and I remembered when I was in the bus on the way to Bangkok leaving Chiang-mai I stayed up through the whole trip listening to this song.

Now in the song he sings "My G*d isn't dead, He is surely a live!!" When this was sang, it was like I got attacked with goose bumps. Almost like I was stuck in a snow blizzard, tears were almost rushing from my face and just like that I started to repent of everything that I didn't even know I did. I knew in that moment what the greatest miracle was, and it certainly wasn't receiving my 15euros back. It was the cross. Just like that, and if I'm not mistaken Kim Walker sings that but we don't understand the importance of it. He died rose into heaven and made our hearts His dwelling place. hmmm....thats what I understand about it.

Last Sunday I needed to go to church I just felt that I had to go, the only church that I knew was open was a catholic mass. I have never met such loving people, the congregation is only about 15 people its not big, but they are a real family. My church experience back in South Africa isn't great I have never been apart of a congregation that would even listen to my jokes and I travel the world and here I am in a catholic church being treated as if I was one of them. & nbsp;While attending the mass it occurred to me that not a lot of people agree with what is happening in the church today. Not a lot of people would agree in me even attending one but I was seeking. Sitting in the echoing hall with a huge picture of Jesus surrounded by angels I started to pray, in that moment I could feel love and peace surround me, after the service the Rev. told me that the Bishop guy was praying for me the whole time he normally forgets peoples name but there I was, a red headed, 19year old, a messianic J*w, being prayed for by a Bishop, and he still remembered my name. I mean how amazing can He be...He is everywhere He wants to be, and He chooses to be next YOU!!!


In conclusion....the biggest, the greatest and the best miracle was.... Jesus!!!

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God isn't like the RWC final
Hands of the Carpenter


Guest - darko 22 on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 17:35

hey brother
great blog, thanx for sharing

hey brother great blog, thanx for sharing :) Darko

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