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We were made to glorify our King…

GCEX 2009 was the ultimate, or so I thought at that time. What an experience. Little did I know this was only the beginning of my journey with the One that loves more than I could ever imagine…

Since December 2009 my journey began again. I had to completely readjust to everything. My eyes were opened to new things and new adventures awaited just around the corner. In the coming months, I saw clear that there was a great responsibility that came from all these experiences.

Enormous life changing things were about to happen, and I waited in anticipation. Decisions were made, prayers were prayed. And when God stepped in, He overwhelmed me. Relationships were restored, friendships deepened and I was on my way to the US of A.

As I sit here tonight in Jonesboro, Arkansas, the place I now call home, I gaze back on 2009. How do I explain to someone that everything I was died and I discovered a key or some kind of recipe to something so much greater than who I am.

Don’t get me wrong I have been trying to follow in the footsteps of Jesus for years. But being carried by a King for one year – This unconditional love and penetrating peace I would not be able to explain in words.  The world I lived in, in 2009 was a comfortable world where the challenges were possible, because I had so much support.

Here I have a new family, but a different one. I have been taught many things by these people, things they would not even know. The reason this family is so special to me is because they inspire me to keep on keeping on.

 I am now facing giants in my life that I thought I would never encounter. My biggest giant is facing myself. Daily I stand before choices and obstacles. Some days I wish I could just go back and hide in the shelter of GCEX, but then I remember that – WE WERE MADE TO GLORIFY OUR KING. Where He leads, you should faithfully follow obediently. In obedience you will find hidden mysteries, in faith you will find a King.

These past two years have been challenging, but He knew I would need someone. So He took a broken relationship and restored it into something so beautiful that I can only stand in awe of his amazing shaping hand. I now have a companion that dreams big, loves deeply, laughs and prays with me, and stands by me in everything. I could never explain the gratitude I have for His grace.

Tonight I realized that I have been waiting a year to step up and in to what He wants me to do here. Great opportunities arise daily and I know my Joy and Enthusiasm for His Kingdom, which I really cannot control, is evident every day.  

But tonight as I sit in the stillness of His presence He revealed to me my task, through a song randomly selected He made one verse ring aloud – I want to learn the Sound of Your Heart. That is what I have been wanting.

[video: 100x100]

There are many other small revelations He has revealed to me in these last two years that have been making more sense lately. Even visions and prophesies from past have come to being.

What I do know today is that I have to keep this blog updated, because so many people need to hear about my GCEX family.

Thank you GCEX for being obedient to what God wanted you to do for those that want a God-seeking lifestyle and who are willing to share the Word with a world in need. Keep on keeping on.

I believe that the money for the school is already there. God is just waiting for the perfect opportunity so all can see His Glory.

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Crossing Jordan
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Stefan Kleyn on Monday, 14 March 2011 02:46

Kimmy!! How true!! Great to hear from you!! You are such a blessing to many and an encouragement to all of us!

Kimmy!! How true!! Great to hear from you!! You are such a blessing to many and an encouragement to all of us!
Anthony Jacobs on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 10:09

Oh WOW dis so cool. Danq dat jy nog so n insperasie ve ons is. Mis jou opi span jong.
Voorspoed met als en wardeer jou wadeering van GCEX.

Oh WOW dis so cool. Danq dat jy nog so n insperasie ve ons is. Mis jou opi span jong. Voorspoed met als en wardeer jou wadeering van GCEX.

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