Written by: Reynard
God has blessed me with many highs this month. The country I most looked forward to was China, and my experience far exceeded my expectations. As you are aware, China is a tricky place to share the Good News. We sure had more than our fair share of tricky situations with the police almost on a daily basis, but even through that God put us strategically in positions where he wanted us. You don't always realize this at the time, but now sitting at the airport-looking back in retrospect-God planned our trip to a T!
Hector and I was sent up North with a few bucks in an envelope and a map with pen circles around some suggested towns. Our plan was simply to live Christ and to do pioneering work in villages where tourist never trod. It is a vague assignment, but I found that God wants us to live in the spirit and not limit Him with our program. But the latter is so much easier for us!A Divine Appointment Example:On our first train to a town I still cannot pronounce a family took us under their wing, which was a blessing, because we hadn't the foggiest of what to do or where to go upon arrival at 10 that evening. Only the daughter(at university) speaks a bit of English. Just pray, and God will provide the way(my new motto)-in this case it was the Wong family. They got us into a taxi and refuse to let us pay, booked us into a cheap hotel and into a warm bed in no time. Thank God, cause it was freezing out!The next morning the knock on our door was an invitation to the Wong residence followed by copious amounts of home cooked Chinese food and I soon reached the stuffed Christmas feeling. What a great opportunity set up by God, and only one afternoon later the daughter's English library was a Biblericher!This is one example of many.Another crazy blessing was fulfilling my dream of walking on the Great Wall! This was not planned! And it was the best conserved part of the wall! He never seizes to amaze!