While in Zambia, we had the opportunity to go to the local village school, and each team had a class to “entertain.” The red team was lead to teach the kids to keep their eyes on Jesus - no matter what. We assembled all the brown toilet rolls to make binoculars as props for each kid. (To the dismay of some, I robbed everyone’s full rolls of their carton bit-hehe!)
The teaching went great-it looked like the kids had immense fun jumping up and down. We gave them a prerogative like: “When you are sad,” and they would eagerly respond shouting; “LOOK AT JESUS!” gazing through the rolls! Simple teaching- yet profound.
So the other day, I found myself on a melancholy rollercoaster again and the way down was a bit depressing. As always the admission for this ride is not spending time with the Lord! The more I grovelled in my so called misery and gloom, the more reluctant I am to turn the Light on, because deep down I made Him the scapegoat. Human as I am-someone needs to take the blame!
A week later, sitting down and at the end of my tether, I also came to the end of a toilet roll (no more detail needed) -and the little Zambian kids screamed at me - “Look at Jesus!” I said to myself; “Myself, that teaching was rich, coming from you!”
And in this, Jesus showed me His grace once again. It was me in the wrong, but He reminded me to keep my eyes on Him - confide in Him. It is in Him where you will find your peace!
Moral: When you come to the end of your toilet roll - LOOK AT JESUS!