I don't know if you know the feeling you get when your busy with praise and worship but you feel a kind of numbness at the same time?
This happened to me the other night while I was truly seeking God and wanted to meet with Him but I just couldn't get myself to that point... So I prayed that God would put a feeling in my heart, anything, but that He would just put something there. Just as I finished my prayer I began to think about Africa and all the corruption and other religions that taints the land.
The next moment I started praying without thinking about the words that I'm saying and God showed me a vision, a vision of Africa submitting to Him and accepting Him as king. I began to weep like a little girl. As I wept The Holy Spirit filled me and I Spoke to satan, rebuking him and telling him that he does not belong here in Africa and that he no longer has power over this land.
At first I thought that it was just me making things up. I phoned my mom after the session was finished and told her what happened and she told me that she went to church the Sunday before and the prophet at Little falls (I can't recall his name) prophesied that the whole of Africa would once more belong to God...
This is The God we serve
Lekker Werries, klink vir my asof dit baie goed gaan daar. Good luck vir die res van jou jaar!
Lekker Werrie!
Wow Werner! Ek is so trots op jou! Mag jy daagliks net meer en meer ervaar hoe die Here jou volmaak to oorlopens toe en hoe Hy jou in 'n spesiale manier gebruik!
Baie leifde
Tannie Lizanne
Wow Wer! Ek bid vir jou al di pad!
WERNER!!! woah ek is so bly ek't die ding uiteindelik gevind! (dis 'n bietjie laat ek weet) ek kan nie aan jou beskryf hoe ek voel op die oomblik nie! ek is baie baie dankbaar,ek mis jou onsttend baie en ek bid en glo elke dag dat jy 'n Seëning is vir elke liewe persoon met wie jy in aanraking kom..sien uit vir Maandag! baie baie lief vir jou en ek prys ons Hemelse Pappa vir wat hy doen met jou!!♥
Werner! ek bid en glo dat jy 'n Seëning is vir almal met wie jy in aanrakung kom, en prys ons Hemelse Pappa vir wat hy met jou doen!♥