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Be fruitful and multiply

Be fruitful and multiply
In all honesty, I have grown accustomed to thinking of God as some spiritual being way up in the atmosphere, looking down at us humans with disappointment.    With Veritas Training this week, that mindset has shifted.    The first time God spoke to Man was in Genesis 1:28 - "Be blessed". A two-worded statement that sums up the Lord's heart for His people.   After the fall of Man, God did not first reprimand them for their sin. His first words were "Where are you?" It is as if He was asking their permission to approach them , testing to see...
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Europe   WoW!! What an amazing journey. While we were still in Canada serving at one of the camps, there was a team helping to facilitate activities for one of the churches at the camp. This organization’s name is Athletes in Action and they spread the gospel through sports ministry, when they heard about our idea to cycle through Europe they helped us get in contact with Athletes in Action in the Netherlands. When we arrived in the Netherland, they welcomed us with open arms as family, an awesome feeling. During the next few days they helped us get bicycles...
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The Pink city- EA beginnings part 8

The Pink city- EA beginnings part 8
During our whole time in Morocco I was thinking ahead to our next country: Mauritania. One thing bugged me: the visas. It was possible to get our Mauritanian visas in Rabat, Morocco, but according to the Mauritanian embassy in South Africa we would be able to get it on the border. Knowing of the disconnect that so often exists between embassies and border controls I wasn't entirely comforted. Especially since it was Mauritania, the border was in the middle of the Sahara and I had read stories on the internet of guys coming up against the fluctuating rules at that...
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Snow less Canada!!

Snow less Canada!!
Canada   We are now in Canadian air space and as we look down we see no snow what so ever!! BIG disappointment as in our minds Canada “is” snow. After n little speed bump at customs we were picked up and drove to Ignite Camp and Retreat Center the place we would call home for the next month and a half. After all “formalities” were done and over with we got settled in, and we were overjoyed at all the freedom we had. We stayed in our own cabin hidden in the “woods”, in the kitchen we had a...
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Trabalhando nossas vidas!!!!!! ..... Working our lives !!!!!!

  Deus muda tudo quando quer e na hora que quer...foi um momento muito especial para todos nos que estavamos na Colombia...para chegar la foi mais que um desafio ..sair entao uma volta ao mundo...Deus nos mostrou muitas coisas e nos ensinou também!! Muita coisa foi mudada, mas ainda tem muito o que mudar e ser trabalhado!! o desafio continua!! Gloria a Deus por isso..queo Senhor continue trabalhando em nossas vidas!! Enquanto ha tempo!!!! rumo ao Peru..proxima para Chiclayo!!...montanhas...ferreñafe!! confins da terra!!! God changes everything when he wants and when he wants ... it was a very special moment for all...
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