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Niger Relief Feedback - Through the eyes of Nicky Ferreira

Niger Relief Feedback - Through the eyes of Nicky Ferreira
  "As Short as I could get it It was a while ago that I was standing in church and we sang the words “no matter what the cost, I’ll go…” and the words struck me. It is sang so easily, but is it easily met? No matter what it will cost us… will we go where He directs us? Words so easily spoken, “Lord, I am willing for anything… use me”, but what we don’t always understand is that God will take you seriously, even if you did not mean it seriously.  '   God took that to the...
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Refugee crisis in Niger

Extremist rebels are ruling districts in Mali with an iron fist and foreign troops are planning to invade. Thousands of civilians are fleeing Mali into neighbouring countries, including Niger – a country recently hit by famine and flood and unable to take care of extra mouths to feed. We cannot ignore this evolving crisis. Muslim extremists have strictly implemented Sharia law in the districts of Gao and Timbuktu. This means, for example, that a lady cannot leave her house without her husband or she will face stoning. If you are accused of stealing, your right hand is cut off and...
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