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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Talkative people

Vietnam was a warm hearted country with open, smiling faces.   You would guess that after the war people would be hard to anyone that looks american, but that wasnt true at all.  Vietnamese youngsters and even older people would walk up to you to learn some english by simply talking to you. Little groups would even approach you to find an opportunity to speak and learn english.   This opened a lot of doors to tell people about our beuatifull country, what we are doing, and share our testimonies. We were blessed with a  host which we met by...
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Our amazing time in turkey has come to an end! But in the cold streets we all left a piece of our hearts. The Lord still run through that country, and no men will ever arise what love has once done. Revival is close again, revival has a name.
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