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Northbound and Work Your Way Local Project 2014

Northbound and Work Your Way Local Project 2014
Local Project 2014   Northbound and Work Your Way We know we haven’t introduced ourselves yet! You can keep your eye on the website because Northbound / Work Your Way will be on the roll soon! EMERGENCY ALERT! We have our first exciting local project waiting for us! Our project is to help the team that is building Jeffrey’s first private high school. (It’s ECO-friendly!!) Our mission for the next week is to complete a feeeeeew tasks. Northbound and Work Your Way is working together to build a part of the hostel. The following tasks needs to be completed by ...
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Northbound Israel

Isreal though the eyes of one of our team memebers. I'd like to share a bit on our adventure in Israel up to now. We came here without knowing where we would stay, what we would do or how we would afford to eat (tight budget as you know;) or how we would get around. But as always God provided and we were taken in by John and Amanda, a couple from South Africa who have been living in Israel for more than 25 years, taking in groups of people and teaching them about Israel's incredible truths. We thought that...
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My journey with Dad continues in Nepal- expect the unexpected

My journey with Dad continues in Nepal- expect the unexpected
Just before Nepal God gave me and Jade word: "expect the unexpected," and did He surprise us every day with the unexpected. In Nepal Northbound divided into two groups : purple and turquoise. Arno, Willemien, Miga, Vanessa and Jade are in the purple team(our team)and this blog is about what we as small team experienced. God sent us to a family that supports an orphanage with 15 boys. Due to a medical operation the host underwent, they could give as much of their attention to us, so we supported them instead. By supporting them God taught us how to bless...
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After an amazing time in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northbound recently arrive in Istanbul, Turkey. Our team is filled with excitement as we are heading into a new season of our journey. In Turkey we will not be having hosts and set ministy points like we normally do, but will be following in Pauls footsteps, going to places like: Cappadocia, Ephesus and Troy.   Within our team we have faced a few challenges as well. We have shuffled porfolios, people on food team are now working on the teams communications and the people previously on communication have joined the finance team....
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Year journey with Dad -India

Year journey with Dad -India
So being Dads- Gods hands and feet started in India and wow didn't it start with a bang:) After a 9044km flight from SA to India. We got our contact at the airport, she took us to the orphanage and there our first ministry started straight away. The kids who most of them I saw a 2nd time( I have been at this orphanage in December 2012) is still soooo loving and have such serving harts, I can really learn a lot about unconditional love from them.   A lot happend in my life since December 2012 and a lot...
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Northbound in Pamukkale...

Northbound in Pamukkale...
STATUS- Strengthened , Tested, Amusing, Trustworthy, Unique and Social- these are some of the words we feel describes Northbound 2014... Since our last check in, we have throughly enjoyed our time in Pamukkale and have recently, as in yesterday arrived here in Kusadasi, where we will be spending the next six days. Throughout Turkey we have experienced the wifi to be extremely TRUSTWORTHY, they have it everywhere, next to the street, in the buses and camp sites... In Pamukkale specifically we were TESTED till the point of insanity as they pumped the same 10 songs though our ears the whole...
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Bosnia and Herzogovina

Bosnia and Herzogovina
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Northbound in Cappadocia

In the last few days Northbound has: Taken a bus from Istanbul to Cappadocia where we were camping for the first time this year. One of the mornings we woke up early to experience a amazing sunrise with hot air balloons around us, something that Cappadocia is famous for. After which we went for an 8 hour long hike where we explored some of the houses and churches to whom Paul wrote to in the letter of Galatians. We are happy to announce that we are a team of 11 again as Anseri has rejoined our team after her delay....
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Step in faith...

A faith journey began last year 21 August when I woke up with the idea in my head to do a Global challenge year journey, I thought it was my own thoughts but as God led me that morning to read in Angus Bucan daily message in a book I never used I got some conformation threw the heading scripture that said Go out and make disciples (Matt 28:19) little did I know that God will stretch my faith so much, He is always faithful and His timing is perfect. Now about 6 months later I am of to 13...
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