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Will You build me a new house?

Will You build me a new house?
"We must be known for hope for the day we live in, as the purposes of God are always great. He will do everything needed, according to His promises for His victorious bride." - Bill Johnson   If God doesn’t build the house, the builders only build shacks.  If God doesn’t guard the city, the night watchman might as well nap.  It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late,  and work your worried fingers to the bone.  Don’t you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves? (Psalm 127:1-2 MSG)   It takes wisdom to build a house,...
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Northbound Israel

Isreal though the eyes of one of our team memebers. I'd like to share a bit on our adventure in Israel up to now. We came here without knowing where we would stay, what we would do or how we would afford to eat (tight budget as you know;) or how we would get around. But as always God provided and we were taken in by John and Amanda, a couple from South Africa who have been living in Israel for more than 25 years, taking in groups of people and teaching them about Israel's incredible truths. We thought that...
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Northbound India 2014

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Thank you! India Building Project 2014

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Let it Rain: Laos

Let it Rain: Laos
Laos: Let it rain! “Yeah guys, we have no budget for Laos.” Maybe that statement needs some clarification. To clear it up a bit, I will start one country earlier. I am not referring to Nepal in this case, but rather to Thailand, where we spent two nights in Bangkok. Unfortunately one day is way too little to truly be able to say one has seen Thailand, or even Bangkok, but we filled our time as best we could. After a morning of debriefing Nepal, we hit the streets, looking for a certain famous tourist area in Bangkok. It turned...
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Mark.set.action! Japati?!;P

So in this: my second ind, I'll be chatting to you all about japati:) Did you expect that? I think not!! ;D So the first phase of making japati is getting all the ingredients; this metophorises ( is this a real word? Yes I create it;) ) God preparing and equipping me for my journey... He took me deeper into inner healing which refreshed my soul. Turning my face from pain Into joy psalm 40:1-3. I also lead my first session with the children sharing about being salt! Cool as salt is also an ingredient for japati along with atta...
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From that very first moment we set foot on the small airport in Katmandu I knew that Nepal is going to be a wonderful journey and that the Lord has BIG things planned for us !          When Pastor Padam picked us up from the airport and took us to the church I immediately felt so comfortable. It was as if they were family I've known all my life, and to experience the feelimg of "real family love"  was amazing (God really know what you need every moment.) and I thank God for comforting me in that...
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We are going to China?!

We are going to China?!
China We assume that everything in China is more or less what we imagine it to be, but I guarantee that China is different from the way most people are picturing it. The moment when I think of China I start to think of all the negative things the world has spoken over this incredibly big nation. When you hear China and 1.2 billion people in one sentence, I immediately put on my straight face in disbelief. Our team had the privilege to spend 2 weeks together in Xiahe. We had to take 2 connecting flights of 2 hours each,...
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Nepal Fever

Nepal Fever
At first glance you won't think that Kathmandu has so much locked up in itself. It's a poor city with many rich people.   Our time in Nepal was spectacular!   Oh, turquoise team! During training we could see that Jesus placed us all in this particular mini team for a reason.    We just had to wait and see when and why..   Let me introduce you to the turquoise team, just in case you need to hear from us again :)   Drumroll... Madelein, Chanelle, Annique, Anseri, Quinton and Coetzee.    When I started off thinking about writing...
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Expect the unexpected

Expect the unexpected
In Nepal Northbound divided into two groups : purple and turquoise. Arno, Willemien, Miga, Vanessa and Jade are in the purple team, and this blog is about what we as small team experienced. God sent us to a family that supports an orphanage with 15 boys. Due to a medical operation the host underwent, they could give as much of their attention to us, so we supported them instead. By supporting them God taught us how to bless people with kindness and care. Just before Nepal God gave Jade and Arno word: "expect the unexpected," and did He surprise us...
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After an amazing time in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northbound recently arrive in Istanbul, Turkey. Our team is filled with excitement as we are heading into a new season of our journey. In Turkey we will not be having hosts and set ministy points like we normally do, but will be following in Pauls footsteps, going to places like: Cappadocia, Ephesus and Troy.   Within our team we have faced a few challenges as well. We have shuffled porfolios, people on food team are now working on the teams communications and the people previously on communication have joined the finance team....
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Majestic China

Majestic China
Northbound 2014 spent some time in Xiahe, China. We had an amazing time discovering the small town - Beautiful Tibetan people, snow and massive mountains. Jesus on display! 
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