STATUS- Strengthened , Tested, Amusing, Trustworthy, Unique and Social- these are some of the words we feel describes Northbound 2014... Since our last check in, we have throughly enjoyed our time in Pamukkale and have recently, as in yesterday arrived here in Kusadasi, where we will be spending the next six days.
Throughout Turkey we have experienced the wifi to be extremely TRUSTWORTHY, they have it everywhere, next to the street, in the buses and camp sites... In Pamukkale specifically we were TESTED till the point of insanity as they pumped the same 10 songs though our ears the whole day for four days! In an attempt to get away from all this noise two team mates went to explore and came across travertines ( small natural hot water pools) which we later as northbound went to explore... Northbound throughly enjoyed this SOCIAL experience to the point that they decided to discover more.Unfortunately they discovered the security as well.... After this AMUSING encounter we found out that it was actually a world heritage site, fortunately we got off with only a light warning:)
After an amazing time in Pamukkale, in UNIQUE global fashion northbound face a small 200km hitch hike challenge.. This seemed like nothing after hitch-hiking 700 km a few days before... Northbounds has been STRENGTHENED through this whole experience:P
Go north bound- Sikhumbuzo ngwenya