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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Commiting to mystery

What a privilage to deliberately choose to give up control and security and to go into the world and preach the good news!!!!!! Honesly, as I made the decision to join global challenge, fear kicked in and I reasoned with myself about the advantages and disadvantages of my decision.  But I realised that God speaks to your heart, and that although He always gives you a choice, He is thrilled when you first seek Him and His will.  I am just a regular girl with a normal life, sometimes not even reading my bilble, but I want God to change...
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Running away

I dont know if I still have the right to write on this blog, but I surely would love to share my short story. In January when I started global challenge, I realised how little I know God.  I got so afraid, and started to fear seeing myself clearly.  Incompetent, not spiritual enough, and ugly.  In order to protect myself I decided to find fault with my fellow brothers and sisters.....and the whole system I found myself in. I decided that suffering is unnecessary, that everything was just peer pressure.  I decided that Im wasting my time and money.  That...
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