What a privilage to deliberately choose to give up control and security and to go into the world and preach the good news!!!!!!
Honesly, as I made the decision to join global challenge, fear kicked in and I reasoned with myself about the advantages and disadvantages of my decision. But I realised that God speaks to your heart, and that although He always gives you a choice, He is thrilled when you first seek Him and His will.
I am just a regular girl with a normal life, sometimes not even reading my bilble, but I want God to change me to become more like Him. I dont want to live a normal life. I want to live in the super-natural!!
One of my friends quoted someone and told me the other day:
"Everything was created for Christ, and by Him, and we were created to be with Him. And its the most incredible feeling, because you are where you belong.&
nbsp; And contentment is given to you in life, because you dont have to look anywhere else. Youre exactly where you need to be...the question about life is answered."
Participant Blogs
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Wonderful to know young people with an attitude like this! God speed and bless you in every step you take in His name.