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Community Training Centre – Kotini Eden, Zambia

Yesterday our team had the opportunity to go to the village school, where the principles office is about 2 x 2 m and in rain season the teachers and kids have to walk halfway through a river to get there! We got the Grade 4 and 5 kids and taught the kids the concept of “Look at Jesus” (Heb. 12:2) [while looking through their toilet roll lookers!], sang English and Bemba songs and Johannes lead us in some real fun games.

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In awe in Mexico!

In awe in Mexico!
  I'm sitting in awe as a new day breaks over Mexico. Thinking back over the last ten days my heart can't formulate any words or songs to describe what it feels.  God's ways are beyond words and  beyond understanding; His plans cannot be contained in human minds! And still He allows us a glimpse of His glory! Our first six days in the small town, Chicomuselo, in southern Mexico, was filled with God displaying His power to draw people to Him. People were healed and set free when we prayed for them; some committed their lives to Him. And above...
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Meet the best students EVER!!

This time in Hat Yai has been such a blessing! I had the most amazing students, and love each one of them dearly!

These crazy kids I had each morning, challenging my creativity to levels I never thought it could reach!! The teacher definitely had lots more fun than the kids!

Gutt (7), Gett (8), Will (13), We (9) and Teacher Elizma!

klaskids.jpg klassome.jpg








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Red Team Update: China

Red Team Update - 27 March 2008

To put our first week's experiences in China into words is kind of impossible! Let's try anyway! Mondaymorning we were stopped at the borderpost while trying to get over the border from Macau. Hector were one of the two lucky one's who got to get over and sat eating KFC in China while we were surviving on duty-free sweets in no-man's-land! Eight hours and a complete baggage search later, we were allowed to grab our stuff and run over, as our bus was about to leave in a few minutes! Few hours later everyone was settled on the train for our 2 and a half days journey up north.

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Esron Village

vill.jpgIt's Thursday, February 28, 2008, 13:00. The eggplant, nshima, kapentas and beans are in the pots. Slowly but surely our traditional Zambian lunch is coming togeter. Sitting round the brazier, comparing the way food is prepared in different countries, and, even though Reynard is still "bang vir die vissies!" we're wondering whether those in the neighbouring huts will have anything more than a piece of corn/ maize to eat today.
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Thailand here we come!

Thailand here we come!
    The GC team split up into three teams - two being up to Thailand, and one staying in Kuala Lumpur. The red team are the only lucky ones who are all in one team! So for a change we're gonna minister together for the next tree weeks! We left for Hat Yai, Thailand on the train yesterday evening and arrived here this morning (29/4/08). Our new friend, June, was at the station to meet us! We are staying at the dormitory on the premises, and our dinner has already been a "WARM" welcome! Our ministry will consist of...
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Finding God in London

Finding God in London
    I saw the Tower Bridge lift and heard the Big Ben sound. I saw Trafalgar, Westminster and Hyde Park ... places only heard about in movies and newspapers - "MUST visits". I saw castles, shops and had so many options of places to visit that I couldn't pick one! I thought that's what London was about, and that's the kind of stuff I'm gonna tell at the end of it. Come to think of it, I didn't really think it was the kind of place where you're gonna see the God of the Bible alive and working -...
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A fun day in Mexico...

A fun day in Mexico...
  Our first day in Mexico, the family who took us in took us to a lovely riverside picnic place where we had lots of fun! On our way             LOTS OF GAMES AND NEW FRIENDS!!!!         And to end a great day ... bicycle competions in the smalltown streets    
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The Holy task of cleaning!

The Holy task of cleaning!
  2 Chronicles 29 tells how the first thing Hiskia did to restore the country was to clean out the temple - this cleaning was not only to remove what was impure, but also to literally take a very dirty temple, and clean it out. This is something I've learned throughout this year and once again during our first week in Egypt: What a glorious, holy task cleaning is to God. This was the first thing He placed on the heart of a king who sounght out His will! Cleaning can be seen as an insignificant job, but in both...
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Macau - Challenge winners and Typhoon 8!!

We had a wonderful  week of debrief in Macau!

And  since we didn't have any time for a challenge in China, Sulene thought it wise to  give the teams the opportunity to get to see Macau's interesting places, in other words ... a challenge!

Proud to announce that the red team was the winners (!), though humbly sharing their first place with the orange team! 

mchal.jpgHere we are at the lighthouse at the Guia fortress (Elizma's GC shirt has just been washed when the challenge was announced!)

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