We had a wonderful week of debrief in Macau!
And since we didn't have any time for a challenge in China, Sulene thought it wise to give the teams the opportunity to get to see Macau's interesting places, in other words ... a challenge!
Proud to announce that the red team was the winners (!), though humbly sharing their first place with the orange team!
Here we are at the lighthouse at the Guia fortress (Elizma's GC shirt has
just been washed when the challenge was announced!)
At the A-ma statue and temple
A-ma are worshiped as the goddess of the sea. The legend goes that she was a poor girl who couldn't pay for a trip by sea. Finally one ship allowed her on board, and while on sea a huge storm broke out and she was holding on to the wheel. All the ships that didn't want to let her on board sank, and only her ship survived. When they docked, she jumped off and ran into the hills. They wen't to look for her, but instead of the girl, found only a statue.
We had to hold hands and count out loud as we climbed the steps to The St. Paul's ruins - previously a university.
Some fun at the museum! From left to right - Hector, Elbe, Reynard and Elizma.
Then the typhoon struck!! First it was a number 1, so we stayed put - camping on the beach. Then it became a number 3, and we still endured! But after surviving number 3 for one night, we knew a move had to be made! We were blessed beyond words, as some friends we met there opened their home for 24 wet travellers. Just in time, as the typhoon rose to a number 8 at about noon!