You could almost call Panama America with the countless similarities between the two. The closest to western culture we have seen thus far, the culture shock was more apparent then is has been in previous countries. During our time here we came into contact with more Americans then Panamanians, and the pace of our work also changed from day work to minute work. In previous countries we had become accustomed to a certain style of living- a pace at which it seemed everyone lived by. Our schedule became a day to day thing, where we may have things to do,...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
After spending more or less 3 weeks in both Turkey and Israel, it almost seemed a bit of a steal to only spend 10 days in Russia, but what a full 10 days it was. After spending the whole day practicing our drama in the Ben Gurion airport in Israel and waking up at 3:30am to check in at the airline counter, it's needless to say we were far from fully functioning by the time we landed in Moscow that afternoon. Two busses and 3 trains later, we arrived at the hosts house to be greeted by the information...
Jamaica While in Jamaica, our team had two ministry points to reach. This became our second country to split in half. The green team stayed in Kingston with Pastor Neville as the yellow team made there way to St. Ann's Bay. Yellow team: The ministry point in St. Ann's Bay was with Pastor Jerry at Faith City Outreach Ministries. Located right on the coast of Jamaica, the yellow team really got the full perspective of the tropical, chilled lifestyle of the locals. While the focus of our ministry point was speaking at schools for children of all ages,...
Crossing the Guyanese border with a ferry into the Dutch speaking country of Suriname... Not wanting to rest our eyes, when there is so much to see... Wooden houses build on stilts, coloured flags every where, all sorts of new fruits to try while seeing so many warm smiling faces... After a whole day of traveling we arrived at Hebron mission school where we were warmly welcomed by some of the students who just finished their garden duties... After settling in, Pastor Moestafa came to greet us with a big smile. As one of the teachers at the...
With full hearts and new expectations we left Panama for our 40 day visit in Colombia. Our time in Colombia can be split into 4 parts- the parent visit, 7 day backpacking challenge, Santa Marta ministry point and Fusagasuga ministry point. What an immense privilege it was to have some of our parents visiting us on the journey in Colombia. We met them in Bogota and had a celebration dinner where everyone received some gifts all the way from South Africa. Biltong, sweets, cookies and some new coffee plungers. We spent a day exploring the city of Bogota. From...