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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Dear Ethiopia...

Dear Ethiopia...
When I first laid my eyes on you and the rolling hills you sat upon. I thought what amazing luck I have that God had created such beautiful things and gave me the eyes to see them.    I am forever changed by your existence. You are a place filled with so many stories and I feel so privileged to share some of these stories with you. I can't think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again....
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What do you mean it's not about me?

Wait! What? This is not about me?    So I am selfish. Done. That's it. What else is left to say? Listen to this sentence - it tells you values that Global Challenge decided on. We share the Good news to a world in need. Guess what I concentrated on. Yup, good guess! The 'we'-part.  Luckily I can promise you this: God will reveal unto you if in anything you are otherwise (than what He wants) minded (Phil 3:15). Because He is faithful to His word, He came to show me how absolutely selfish I am. I started realizing how...
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I know who holds tomorrow...

New beginnings   Second last week of training and with it one week left I can honestly say that I am not ready yet. Rewind on all the weeks of training and learn everything again. That said I don't think I will ever be ready for a privilege like this. Going out into the nations and speaking His love over them...I'm wonderstruck.  These past weeks I have learned to know and feel God in the stillness but also in the storm. I have learned that He calls me beautiful (Song of Solomon 2:10) and that He loves me with...
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The sound of love announcing his forgiveness

Many of times we hear how much God loves us and wish nothing but the best for all his children; the ones that know his love and the ones that don’t know it as much. Looking back at my life, knowing all the wrong that I have done to others and myself, I’ve said and done things that I will always be ashamed of, the worst was not knowing if I am really forgiven. I’ve read the scripters and have said the words out loud, but still every detail of my past was not forgiven; well at least not all,...
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Faking it for Jesus

Faking it for Jesus
What? How does that work? It does, if you're a sinner. I am a very honest person and I want you to fully understand my journey, so yeah, sometimes you're going to think I am an absolute fool. Great! Please think that, because my friend, that's exactly how gross and sinful and foolish I am, without God. Great thing that God doesn't leave us in our sins. Thank God He doesn't. Now of course, you want the juice (news) of what I have done. I thought that I had the right to want. I started to want the things other...
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Probably the most spoken phrase of all time, every time we fail or see something is too difficult for us, or even if it requires too much time or sacrifice. This is probably one of the most difficult habits to break in life. Why? Probably because it roots to self. The one thing that keeps us away from most of things, self like most of us know only consists of 3 things; “me, myself and I”. Oh sorry, that’s all the same thing, just goes to show how bad self is, self-centred and selfish. But how do the words “I...
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The good Shepard

Five days, five countries… We travelled from Guatemala to Costa Rica, passing through El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. God really surprised me and it was such a joy to truly trust God and go wherever He had prepared for us. I had found myself laughing at the situations and places we were in because I really experienced the promises of God so practically. In Psalms 91 God says ‘If you say the Lord is my refuge and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent for He will command...
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Panama... or America?

You could almost call Panama America with the countless similarities between the two. The closest to western culture we have seen thus far, the culture shock was more apparent then is has been in previous countries. During our time here we came into contact with more Americans then Panamanians, and the pace of our work also changed from day work to minute work.  In previous countries we had become accustomed to a certain style of living- a pace at which it seemed everyone lived by. Our schedule became a day to day thing, where we may have things to do,...
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892 Hits

Going on a live changing journey

So excited on my destination this is my first time that I will be crossing SA borders not to go ons a gap year but to serve God around the world this is one of my best days of my live in a so honored to be part of GCEX time to help make a difference on earth. Get ready world there's a storm coming and it's going to be global
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Getting fit for the race!

Getting fit for the race!
 It's been an incredible 6 weeks of traing in J-bay, Transkei, Cape Town and all over the Eastern Cape. I've met amazing young people and we've become true brothers and sisters over this few past weeks, learning more about our purpose, ourselves and God. My heart is being transformed by the passion and freshness of Holy Spirit working inside. I've realised that by allowing transformation and welcoming change, your vision gets clearer and your perspective gets stretched. Which has been such a wonderful process for me in this time of training. My eyes have been opened to see little miracles...
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A journey full of God's miracles

Ten days Luke 10 journey - What else as miracles can you expect?   In our first Luke 10 journey in training I was sceptical how God will show up and what he has planned for us. Everything was new for me and I didn't know so much fun will expect me. After this privilege to experience this and hear all the stories from the other groups I was so excited for this faith trip and knew that He will provide and be with us all the time. Praying, listening to God's voice and stepping into his plan were a...
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