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Pilgrimage to the ends of the earth

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Life. Love. Live.

Where do I start. I haven't blogged since training and it's our 6th country on journey. But a friend, back in Jeffreys Bay, had encouraged me to blog. Driving in the back of Steve's land cruiser, listening to Jack Johnson, on our way to the Frey's home to stay there for the weekend. It's our last weekend and I don't want to say goodbye. There has been so much freedom here, so many breakthroughs. A lot of prophecy in team and unity I've never experienced in my life. Although the spiritual atmosphere was heavy. For the first time I experienced...
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Into the spiritual realm

Complex thoughts and diverse battles is something that is a reality in everybody's life. We face high mountains with rocky pathways, we find ourselves next to active volcanoes close to eruption, we stand in vulnerability to love even our enemies, but right now, I face rough rivers without bridges, and my goal is waiting in sight on the other side and the only way to reach it, is to jump in and swim between the sharp rocks and high grade rapids with tons of water rushing at high speed.   The longer I hesitate and wait for the water to...
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The Journey Lies Ahead

The journey lies ahead

Many people believe that the earth is flat, the rest think it's round. Does it really matter? Because ultimately there will always be the hills on the road, mountains with snow hats, valleys with lush forests, oceans with roaring waves, rivers with tons of water which you will encounter and to conquer, cross, climb or swim, requires more than just a strong mind or body, It requires faith and the ability to have no fear. 

These first few weeks have been a journey of faith. On this journey God will test your faith, leave you with nothing, but give you everything at the same time (Luke 10 journey) He will create character in you and He will restore your identity by challenging your faith in Him. 

He has found me in a desert land and in the waste howling wilderness He led me about. He instructed me and kept me as the apple of His eye. He has searched for a remnant that is willing to walk this journey to listen and obey, to lay down your life out of love for Him. His sons and daughters don't believe in Him so that they can go to heaven. We don't read the bible or pray because we know that's the right thing to do. We walk with Him because we love Him. 

His spirit will beautify you and prepare you, cleanse and sanctify you. The  journey lies ahead. 

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The Compass of Life

Greetings my King.  Thinking back on the life changing things that happened during the year, mesmerized with the feeling of nostalgia as I project myself back to those beautiful places where life grasped me by the hand and tugged me into the divinity of His beautiful creation. I look back to the times where I learnt to appreciate the smell of fresh air, the sound of birds chirping, glorious white gold and feeling cold without an air con. Times like these.  Adventure and a lust for life developed within the deepest parts of my entire being. The passion of being...
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I can't describe how good God is to each one of us. (LUKE 10 JOURNEY)  I woke up with a different kind of joy than I ever have, and I just couldn't stop talking to God about this joy I was experiencing. This particular morning was unique, it was not ordinary. Almost as if it were a super supernatural day. It was quite unorthodox as nothing quite significant really had happened throughout the last 24 hours.  Sarah, Jo's wife whom was one of our people of peace, took me by the hand and said "market". I hopped onto the back of...
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