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Arriving in Yogyakarta, also known as Yogya, was very exciting since we were meeting up with South African friends that would join us in ministry there. Our contact in Yogya was a pastor who linked us up with a Christian school. At the school, we shared stories from the Word with the kids and also prayed for the teachers. We helped out at a food ministry going on where they prepare food for 1200 people 3 times a week! Food preparation and packaging on big scale! The school blessed us so much with food, umbrellas, t-shirts and towels! During the...
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You got to be lit up to shine your light

You got to be lit up to shine your light
8 weeks of training, where to start! To summarize what we experienced during this time is difficult because every day was so full of new and exciting things!The one thing that stood out was that you can't help others if you don't know the solution to their problem. I've discovered that Jesus Christ is the solution to everything! Even eternal life! Here follows a brief summary of what we encountered during this 8 weeks: We had a local Jeffreys Bay challenge on our first day to learn the area and surrounding places. Through that, we got to learn all the...
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The greatest privilege

It is such a privilege to travel around the world, encouraging the existing church and to share with people who have never before heard of our Saviour Jesus Christ. During our time in Kathmandu (Nepal), I realised that the world is really in need of God. There is so much idolatry happening everywhere. What made me happy was the thought of bringing the Good News to people who is actually hearing it for the first time in their lives! The sad reality is that they would like to follow our God but due to community oppression, they resist. If they...
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Incredible India Experience!

Incredible India Experience!
After some further tutorials in India (course named Veritas 2), which was super amazing and eye opening, we went to an orphanage. It was such a privilege but still challenging. All that the kids have is God. They don't have their own toys or own rooms or even their own beds. Seeing how their take on life is really inspiring! Every chlid to whom I have spoken to wants to become someone who helps other people to learn to know God, if it is a missionary or a nurse just to show someone in need a helping hand and love....
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Our time in Philippines only started after almost 5 days of travelling! 117 hours in total! We arrived tired but our spirits were quickly uplifted as we stared into the faces of the short term group that joined us there! It was so nice to have fresh conversations and to exchange some stories of the past year! They also surprised us with treats from our country: rusks, chocolate, sweets and biltong! Our expectations for the Philippines were big and we were ready to start our ministry! The days were very busy and with the draining heat, our energy levels were...
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It was so cool to fly into Vietnam observing its amazing night lights! We stayed in Saigon City where there are 7 million people and where 3.4 million scooters flood the streets. Crossing the streets there is such a cool experience! Cross with confidence or wait instead. In Vietnam our ministry differed a lot from other countries. We worked in 2 coffee shops, performed an acoustic show 2 times in one of the coffee shops and taught English at English classes straight from a passage in the Bible! A great way of spreading the Gospel since there is persecution. During...
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Our time in Thailand was great. We arrived in Bangkok and the team split into two groups. One group went to Phuket while the other group went to Takua Pa. I was in the group that went to Phuket and there we painted a kinder garden for two weeks. God provided and blessed us in abundance through many people on countless occasions. During our time there, we did some Bible study on the book of Philippians and it was great to discover Paul’s sacrificial lifestyle and to see how he remained joyful in all circumstances. We also met up with...
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