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Lyrics from my heart

God is so real. He is so present. He goes before me in every situation. He holds my heart in the palm of His mighty hand. What else can I do but worship the King of kings?   Through Colombia, Peru and Chile I just realized again how much God loves me and how much He longs to be with me. I missed home more than ever in Colombia and Peru but after lots of prayer, God changed my heart. And I know now that God has something amazing instore for me in this last few days!   I really...
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Started from the bottom now we're here.

Started from the bottom now we're here.
   Israel oh Israel, you were such a interesting country. We arrived here not knowing where we are going, but God took me on one incredible journey. I was in for a big surprise when I thought that Israel was just a boring country full of people stuck in history.    In our first week I hit rockbottom, we had some really tough times and I started to miss home a lot. But I learned that it's only when you hit rockbottom that you realize that God is the rock. Luckily we all made it through that first week, and...
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Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!
  I don't really know how to start or how to write this blog. How does one explain 6 countries done living by faith for one month just a few sentences... I'll try my best to just give you a glimpse of my experiences of our  time in central America. It's been a complete faith journey the whole time. Have you ever wondered how life would be like if you put your trust 100% in God?    Well... He might just ask you to pioneer Mexico and do your Luke 10 from Cancun, Mexico to Guatemala for 10days. But that...
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Once upon a time in Cuba

Lets travel back in time and go to Cuba. My mind was blown when we got off at the airport in Havana after a 13h flight from Russia. The streets were filled with very old cars from way back. With a killing heat, no toilet paper and no english speaking people we started our time in Cuba.    I thought we were going to Cuba to build,  work in gardens and to serve the people there. Few did I know about what was waiting for me. First of all the pizza's is like R5 and the ice creams R0,50... Crazy!...
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Miracles in Mexico

Miracles in Mexico
  Where do I start with the favour that we experienced from God in Mexico? I can't even explain the amazing time we had. Since we entered the Mexican airport we experienced the fullness of His favour.   One of our last days in Mexico, our host took us to the Chichen Itza temple (one of the 7 world wonders) and so I'm sitting in a bus, coming back from a long day of being a tourist. It's our first time traveling with a group of tourists, we even got the sticker on our chests. Strange. While listening to some...
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Excuse me, can I help you?

Excuse me, can I help you?
How can you try to explain Turkey in words? Everything that has happened here was just one amazing journey. I can literally see God's hand in every place that we've been to. From our first day in Istanbul God has started the journey with me to show me what true humility is and make me realize again that this year is not about me.    It was such a nice experience to get to know the turkish people and their culture. The people in Turkey are probably the most giving group of people I've ever met. Every time you would...
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Beautiful days in Panama

Beautiful days in Panama
Staying only a few meters away from the Panama Canal, unlimited mangoes, breath taking nature and all sorts of parrots flying over my head. How can one get more beautiful days like that? How can one get a more beautiful and creative God than that? The time in Panama was full of adventures, laughter, traveling, learning and spending amazing time with my mom (who came with the parents visits).    Here's just a glimpse of our adventures: 
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Learning... Growing... Living!

Learning... Growing... Living!
Wow. That's how I feel about the past weeks of training. It has been some of the most amazing times I've experienced in my life. God just came and surprised me every single day. And the people here, now my family, are all so incredible.  My life is currently being updated by God. He is working and teaching me more about Him and about life. The things I've learned and experienced during training is far more than what I could ever have imagined happening.  I'm excited to see what God has in-store for each one of us this year. 
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