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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

A present of God - Gracias Señor

How big is the probability to go to a country not knowing where to go, where to sleep, what to eat, what to do, but finding everything prepared?! That's exactly what happened to us in Mexico. Gracias Señor - Thank you Lord! We believe in God and not in probabilities, God had everything prepared, the whole 2 weeks in Mexico seemed like a present, showing just a drop of God's amazing love. So many times we got invited to eat in restaurants, people of the church were bringing us so much food that in the end was enough left to...
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Once upon a time in Cuba

Lets travel back in time and go to Cuba. My mind was blown when we got off at the airport in Havana after a 13h flight from Russia. The streets were filled with very old cars from way back. With a killing heat, no toilet paper and no english speaking people we started our time in Cuba.    I thought we were going to Cuba to build,  work in gardens and to serve the people there. Few did I know about what was waiting for me. First of all the pizza's is like R5 and the ice creams R0,50... Crazy!...
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Miracles in Mexico

Miracles in Mexico
  Where do I start with the favour that we experienced from God in Mexico? I can't even explain the amazing time we had. Since we entered the Mexican airport we experienced the fullness of His favour.   One of our last days in Mexico, our host took us to the Chichen Itza temple (one of the 7 world wonders) and so I'm sitting in a bus, coming back from a long day of being a tourist. It's our first time traveling with a group of tourists, we even got the sticker on our chests. Strange. While listening to some...
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A journey full of God's miracles

Ten days Luke 10 journey - What else as miracles can you expect?   In our first Luke 10 journey in training I was sceptical how God will show up and what he has planned for us. Everything was new for me and I didn't know so much fun will expect me. After this privilege to experience this and hear all the stories from the other groups I was so excited for this faith trip and knew that He will provide and be with us all the time. Praying, listening to God's voice and stepping into his plan were a...
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