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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Water of Life

Water of Life
              During one of our prayer sessions in Panajachel (Gautamala) we came across this river that flowed all the way to the Lake here in Panajachel.  I truly experienced that God wanted to tell me something special about this river.  We continued on with praying and I just truly sensed that God wanted to remove all the durt and filth within this river.  The river symbolizing Gautamala.  While doing some bible study I truly experienced this bible verse to be the word God wanted to share with Gautamala and our time here.  "And he showed me a pure river of water of life,...
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The Promise land of China

The Promise land of China
                  I was surprised to see how beautiful China was when we started to travel more to the country side.  The huge mountains stretched out for kilometers on end.  My eyes were opened to a new idea of what china was all about.  And soon enough God started to show me what He saw for this beautiful place. During my stay in China I was reminded of the story of Joshua and the Israelites.  Linking these thoughts to a scripture I would like to read from Joshua 6:1-3 "Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel;...
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Restoration and Safety

      Our first challenge began when we visited a small primary school within Jeffery's Bay Township.  The school's name is Ithemba Primary School.  We had some time to pray for God's vision for this school and how we could help and support the community and most of all to help restore what was lost and give children back some dignity.  Our first mission was to clean the toilets, classrooms and the area around the school.  To give a true insight about the true situation and state of the place:  The toilets were broken and used until they were overflowing.  Can...
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The Journey has begun...

The Journey has begun...
                                      The Journey started with the team climbing Mount Sinai. As we followed the path of those in the bible we think and reflect on the things the people have experienced in those times. The journey to the top made you wonder where did God truly talk to Moses and where did he see God. We had the privilege to sleep one night on the top of the mountain and had some time to reflect on the words we read in the bible during the time Moses spend there. As we sat in the silence surrounded with the beauty...
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                          The Lime Teams travels have led them to a place where Paul spend 3 years of his ministry.  This city has been rebuild three times but we were surrounded with the after picture of history unfolding infront of our eyes.  Where once a cıty stood we only see rocks and ruins.  Let me take you on this journey with us:            The Great Theater Infront of the Theatre we see a street that in the past use to strech to the sea shore.  It's hard to imagine the sea being here because when you look around you there is no sign of the...
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Lime / Lion Team

Lime / Lion Team
             Let me introduce you to the Lime (Lion) Team.  Left to right Yolandi Botha, Lindi Pinaar, Marietjie van Wyk, Johan Oosthuizen and Darko Rajic.  This photo was taken at the beginning of our first challenge in Jeffery's Bay.  It's about 10 o'clock at night and we need to make our way to PE.    Bags packed and ready to go the Lime team sets out on their first journey together...                                      Johan our Leader was catching a pig that was outlined as one of our challenges.  The chicken in the photo is Mufasa our friend we had to name...
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