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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

The Promise land of China

The Promise land of China
                  I was surprised to see how beautiful China was when we started to travel more to the country side.  The huge mountains stretched out for kilometers on end.  My eyes were opened to a new idea of what china was all about.  And soon enough God started to show me what He saw for this beautiful place. During my stay in China I was reminded of the story of Joshua and the Israelites.  Linking these thoughts to a scripture I would like to read from Joshua 6:1-3 "Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel;...
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Read if you dare - Yolandi

 In Revelations it says that the devil will be defeated by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.  Thus with this statement I start the hardest blog and testimony to write but also the most freeing and life giving experience.  So please read this if you long for change and long for God to change your life because this story shows of God's grace and His love to never leave nor forsake us.   This testimony I write about myself and what God broke down in my time spend in Guatemala.  During our time in Guatemala...
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No more Masks - Yolandi

During our time in Russia we were placed into different groups and one group stayed at the camp sites and the other group had the opportunity to go to orphanages.  I was privileged enough to be in the group that went to the orphanages.  At the first orphanage we visited we helped with some renovation work they were busy with.  During this time I noticed that they just wanted us to paint over old paint without scraping the old paint off.  While painting I just felt this sense that this happens so often in our own lives.  Sometimes the old...
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The Wall Of Division

The Wall Of Division
                        The Wall stands big and tall across the country Dividing Fathers, dividing mothers Many are afflicted Many are in need of change Many cry out, So many just ask for division to stop   The land is ripped apart Nabors fight against nabor Who is right and who is wrong? Where is the love...the mercy But still they build the wall Bigger and Higher   There is no time or place for partiality Father God how can this be for a land You love so dearly Division and hate is setting in There is fear and anger...
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Egypt Through my eyes

Egypt Through my eyes
                                       The Nile    The Pyramids                      The first country, the first true journey.... I realized by entering the first country that the journey has finally started.  Breaking out of the habits and comfort zones would be hard but focusing on God and making Him my all will be crucial.  There was so much to learn about cultures and religious practices.  Where to start was on everyones mind.  Learning more about the Muslim beliefs and also how to include Jesus into our stories (ISA). Personally I found Egypt very tyring because there was always a lot of people around in...
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Restoration and Safety

      Our first challenge began when we visited a small primary school within Jeffery's Bay Township.  The school's name is Ithemba Primary School.  We had some time to pray for God's vision for this school and how we could help and support the community and most of all to help restore what was lost and give children back some dignity.  Our first mission was to clean the toilets, classrooms and the area around the school.  To give a true insight about the true situation and state of the place:  The toilets were broken and used until they were overflowing.  Can...
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