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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

That White Suit

Davis, aka The Ambassador greeted us with his white smile and a dashing white suit on Sunday morning. He was ready for church. Marié and I ran some last errands, I all the while thinking how the heck is this guy going to keep his white suite white. Why would he even bother with one? It won't stay white, I could guarantee him that. Everything is dusty in Busia, Uganda. Even the tar road has a thick layer of dust making it unrecognizable – and we were far away from the tar road anyway. We were to go on The...
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En Route Morocco

En route Morocco Currently I'm writing from this very trendy hostel in Morocco. Imagine Moroccan architecture, soft music and chilled vibes along with good coffee. This all is very welcoming after spending two nights on two different airports across three different continents. Yep, that's what went down - four cities, three flights, two nights in airports (a sleeping bag, inflatable mattress and pillow make a formidable combination in any situation!). The journey is obviously not about just the country - there's a lot more to it. And when choosing the cheapest way of traveling a thing I would like to...
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Boats against the current

Boats against the current
"So we beat on, boats against the current…" – F. Scott Fitzgerald. Macedonia – the nation with the most monuments I have seen in such a short distance of each other, cheap chocolate spread and a beautiful lake named Ohrid. This lake is one of the oldest and deepest lakes in Europe. We had the privilege of visiting this lake on Monday. Starting my journey in Macedonia was like getting into a little boat on Lake Ohrid with my own pair of wooden carved paddles. Ready for this adventure with Jesus. I was waiting for a storm to come, or for...
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Adventure is knocking at my door and it is almost time to respond by flinging this little door of mine wide open. Reflecting back on the past six weeks of training I am humbled by the grace of God and His undeniable faithfulness. What a journey it has been thus far, an adventure in itself. So far I have enjoyed every moment with my team, volunteers and leaders (even the less favorable ones like being out in the elements or walking barefoot for several hours). The Transkei brought along rain showers and plenty of learning opportunities. From Kids Ministry, painting,...
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