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Holy Ground

Holy Ground
"What we do, does not define who we are. What defines us is how well we rise after falling." It has been a while since I've seen words come to life in such an inspiring way. Rwanda is a beautiful chapter in this journey. So beautiful that there aren't any words to truly express how much influence it has had in my own thoughts and especially my relationship with our beautiful Saviour. I look forward to more chapters with you in it. You have taught me so much. Not only about your people but also about myself. I loved spending...
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Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life
    I always thought the words  and then  were a prelude to something wonderful. Like seeing a ship come in or finding a note in your letterbox, when you weren't expecting one. That swift, surprising transition from nothing to everything.  And then .   Two little words that hold a world of promise.  And then  the light pierced through the dark sky, and the rain stopped falling.    And then  I met you.    Uganda, experiencing you was like being ten hears old again, scaling a tree with my eyes bright and skyward, wanting to get higher and higher...
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I Left My Heart In Africa

I Left My Heart In Africa
I have learnt a lt this year. I learned that things don't always turn out the way you planned, or the way you think it should. And I've learned that there are things that go wrong that don't always get fixed or get put back together the way they were before. I've learned that you can get through bad times and keep looking for better ones. This year wasn't always pretty. It wasn't always comfortable. Some things and situations even break your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you - it should change you. It leaves marks on your...
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Shika Yesu - "Hold on to Jesus"

Shika Yesu - "Hold on to Jesus"
    We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place. We stay there even though we go away, and there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there. Kenya is such a place. It is truly like Narnia.  There is something beautiful  about Kenya that is thousands of years old. Too old to be truly captured by poems and songs. Loved by everyone, loved so very deeply. Kenya is everything real in a world of make believe.    But even though I left some part of me behind, I also found...
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Practice the Pause

Practice the Pause
"Be Still." Two words. Constant and always present. Having morning coffee, I hear it: "Be Still." Swimming in the clear blue ocean. Walking on snow white sand. Watching a Fiery red sunset. "Be Still." Fellowshipping with people who have become family. Listening to music, old and new. Feeling the presence of God. Be Still. Two very simple words, put together to speak chapters. Our time in Tanzania and especially Zanzibar has taught me a very important thing. And that is to practice the pause. When in doubt pause. When angry or irritated, pause. When tired or stressed, Pause. And when...
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Guard your heart

Guard your heart
  Why do we make life so complicated? Why do we so easily make mountains out of mere ant hills? It is not supposed to be this difficult and I dare say it is rather tiring to worry about everything all the time.    My stay in Egypt these past two weeks has been a time of growth and transformation. Firstly I would like to mention that all the pictures I have seen, all the history that I have read and heard throughout my years of study about this wonderful place, I could have never imagined it to be so...
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1545 Hits

More than just a name...

More than just a name...
             Names are not always what they seem. For most of us it means identity and belonging. The identity that names give speak of description, which in most cases leave the negativity of prejudice and pride behind and also often leads us to form a stereotype.    During my stay in Macedonia I was introduced with the thought that people and places are more than just a name. Macedonia for instance, may be known for it's rich history and important people, but for me Macedonia is like a good find in an antique store...timeless and...
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1367 Hits

His love has won me forever

His love has won me forever
  I do not think there are many words to express the beauty and magnificence of Morocco, nor can it be fully explained to someone who has not seen or experienced it for themselves. I do however believe words have a lot of power when it is used in the right way. Words can change even the smallest perspective and I believe we are the ones who can say them. I will attempt to give you but a glimpse of what I experienced here, not only of God's love for us but His adoration for the people who have not...
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1210 Hits

Joy in Jerusalem

Joy in Jerusalem
Israel - the Holy Land. The land overflowing with milk and honey. The very first nation we encountered.  With a lot of faith and no set plan we arrived at Ben Gurion in the early hours of the morning. This was it. Too late to look back, too soon to say what lay ahead. We just knew it was going to be a grande adventure with Jesus. And it was.  Sleeping on the rooftop of a hostel with the most incredible view of Jerusalem, spontaneously dancing at the Western Wall - we did it all. All that the city had...
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1189 Hits

Wrapping up Morocco

Wrapping up Morocco
Morocco welcomed us with a night at the airport where we had to sleep through the sound of hammers and chisels ceaselessly building away on a new part of the airport.    In Marrakech we stayed over for two nights. The vibrancy and colours of the markets overwhelmed and mesmerised. Rooftop views and coffees became a frequent enjoyment as well as prayer walks through the mazed streets. In the mornings we watched the sun rise over Marrakech and prayed together there.   Fes was our next destination, once we got there after a long bus ride we were graciously scammed...
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Boats against the current

Boats against the current
"So we beat on, boats against the current…" – F. Scott Fitzgerald. Macedonia – the nation with the most monuments I have seen in such a short distance of each other, cheap chocolate spread and a beautiful lake named Ohrid. This lake is one of the oldest and deepest lakes in Europe. We had the privilege of visiting this lake on Monday. Starting my journey in Macedonia was like getting into a little boat on Lake Ohrid with my own pair of wooden carved paddles. Ready for this adventure with Jesus. I was waiting for a storm to come, or for...
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En Route Morocco

En route Morocco Currently I'm writing from this very trendy hostel in Morocco. Imagine Moroccan architecture, soft music and chilled vibes along with good coffee. This all is very welcoming after spending two nights on two different airports across three different continents. Yep, that's what went down - four cities, three flights, two nights in airports (a sleeping bag, inflatable mattress and pillow make a formidable combination in any situation!). The journey is obviously not about just the country - there's a lot more to it. And when choosing the cheapest way of traveling a thing I would like to...
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988 Hits

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