Adventure is knocking at my door and it is almost time to respond by flinging this little door of mine wide open.
Reflecting back on the past six weeks of training I am humbled by the grace of God and His undeniable faithfulness. What a journey it has been thus far, an adventure in itself. So far I have enjoyed every moment with my team, volunteers and leaders (even the less favorable ones like being out in the elements or walking barefoot for several hours).
The Transkei brought along rain showers and plenty of learning opportunities. From Kids Ministry, painting, visiting a hospital and orphanage to ending it off with the legendary Luke 10.
Through it all I experienced how God was constantly forming my character and building my faith. The teachings have been and continue to be amazing. Oom Gerrie taught me to allow God to pour out Holy Spirit into my little house and to not leave any back doors open. All of my ideas and perceptions of things are being shaken by Norm Wakefield - walking in humility and being filled with Jesus will never be the same to me again. The purpose of my life has been redefined and simplified - it's just to know the Father and Son and to live a life worthy of the gospel.
On that note I hope to embark on a journey worthy of the gospel with an attitude to serve and love without conditions or wanting something in return.
I don't know if you're ever ready for a journey like this, but the best way to embark on one is maybe to just shut your eyes, take a leap and JUMP! Trusting Jesus that He is in control and that the safest place to be is inside His will.
So, this is me... With joyful anticipation and childlike excitement preparing to fling my door right open to the great unknown and the marvelous glory of God.