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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Local Challenge expeditions

Where to start, what to say & what not to say?

It is difficult being back home, but that is what keeps life interesting.  It is hard to tell other people what I have learned this year because I just see things in a deferent way.  It was difficult to share at the beginning when I got home.  Not shore where to start or what to say and what not to say....

The biggest thing I have learned is that God will create opportunities where I can share or do whatever the Spirit tells me what to do.  I must not force the Gospel in anyone’s heart.  I should place the Gospel on top of their hearts and let it sink in & let God do the rest.  It’s so easy to scare certain people off; it’s all about listening to the voice of God. 

But then again, It is amazing being back home, It is so exciting, I missed my family, my friends, Pretoria.  It’s such an adventure to see how God uses me.  It’s fun searching for a church where I feel like family, and to be challenged.  It’s like God gave me this canvas that I can paint my life story on.  It’s full of new challenges.  God keeps it interesting by throwing in different colours that I have never used before. I know it will end well!

Be blessed.
Bernard Hollander

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This blog is not something that happened in a foreign country, not something that any human could do, but something God has done for my family back home!

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Australia, let us rejoice!

I am on a train to Sydney & just reflecting on the past 3 months of my life.  I am now on my way to Sydney, where wYw is flying out to New Zealand.

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14 Room house and more om Luke 10...

So the Luke 10 challenge started for Freddy and I, we had no idea where to go! 

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Incredible India

It is the 17th of April, I’m in India, its about 18h30 and more than 30 degrees…!

To recap since my last blog…

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Guatemala (sent out to work our way)!

Guatemala (sent out to work our way)!
We went to JHB airport and said our last goodbyes to our family and in we went to the airplane.  At this time I was so excited because it was my first time flying internationally.  It was also Freddy and Angelo’s first time flying ever!   The airplane food was so good, we ate so much and the coke was free! So we didn’t say no.  Most of us were so excited to be actually heading out after 2 months of training.  We are now sent out to work our way!  We flew via Spain to Guatemala.  Our first day...
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I'm finally Globally Challenged...

I'm finally Globally Challenged...
 -work your way- I can truly testify that I have grown in God this past month with Global Challenge!  First one of the best times was when Welman, Jakes and I went surfing when it was dark at supertubes (the surfing spot where BILLABONG PRO is held).  Although Welman and I didn’t catch a wave it was an awesome experience!  The next day Philip came with and we surfed like pro’s(duh). We headed to the Bush… We arrived at the Bush on January 24th.  When we arrived we were told to take 6 items with for the next few days. ...
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This is the start of the beginning... The start of so much more...

I'm 18years old, living in Pretoria and almost finished with school.  It's really difficult talking about yourself, or just explaining who I am! I like, talking,sharing and meeting new people. I like to travel and test myself a lot. I love living life and doing things that is different. I came to the point where I had to ask myself what I am going to be doing next year and with the rest of my life. I came across Global challenge and then I was shocked to see how awesome opportunity this is and why there isn't more of this...
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