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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Sterwend in 'n rooi rok

Sterwend in 'n rooi rok
Dit was die perfekte oggend. Wolke wat die berge omvou, mis oor die meer, die maan amper volrond en die lug wat verkleur van donkerblou na pers en dan saggies wasempienk. 'n Eensame vissersbootjie dobber op die water en riete maak skaam hulle verskyning soos die water liggies terugtrek en opstoot. Die son kom aan die een kant op en aan die ander gaan die maan onder. Vir 'n oomblik gee dag en nag mekaar 'n skuins-soen op die wang van die meer. Sonsopkoms het 'n spesiale betekenis gehad. 'n Deel van 'n liedjie "Dante's Prayer" spook al heel jaar...
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For the love of a child

I am in love- hopelessly,  completely and utterly head over heels!  How can one not be with beautifully dark eyes looking up to you and a dimpling smile that is pure concentrated sunshine! Every morning when a child run to with open arms and hug me  (despite the fact that I am very dirty from painting the school) I realise what an enormous priviledge it is to be loved by a an orphan.  The last night I slept in the orphanage alongside two little girls.  It was an experience that I will never forget in my entire life.  We...
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It's a question of faith

Faith is to believe something without having the evidence to prove it.

 What happens  when you ask God to strenghen your faith? sukses.jpgHe gives you doubt...and a whole lot of it.  It is much harder to keep on believing when every brain cell keep on screaming, " you are nuts to believe this!

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The heart is deceitful above all else

hart.jpgWhile in Zambia, in a brave moment I asked God to show me what my heart really looks like... You see, if you don't know or come to realise just how black your heart is, you won't realise the full extend of your need of a Saviour.
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"As a man is, so he sees"

When we first got into mainland, China, I thought “O boy, this is going to be a looong month for me.”  You see just about everything here is some shade of brown or grey (and covered in dust) and that is something that can get you down if you are used to a country abundant in color.

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Sleepless in Macau

If you aspire to see with how little sleep you can survive with...join the Global Challenge!



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For those blessed with a sense of humor Africa is a great place!

The Africa challenge really was something to write home about.  Who would have thought it possible to go through Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia in two days (and still find time to have a picnic at Vic Falls! Which was awesome I might add!). We were so blessed in that we raised the money we had to raise for the challenge before 10:00 the first morning!

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