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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


Last year I was apart part of Global challenge and I knew Jesus wanted me to do a second year, but I didn't know how it was going to look like. On the 1st of March we left for Zithulele Transkei. Our team volunteered at the various NGO's for a month. The drive there was beautiful, full of excitement and expectations for what this small rural place in the middle of nowhere might hold for us. My biggest dream is to be a full time missionary in the underground churches in Iran. I always had this perfect Idea of how...
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Joy of life

From the 7th to the 23rd of September we visited the Echo farm close to Frankford.   At our previous ministry point I was wondering what my next challenge will be for the new ministry point. But Jesus really came and poured His blessing and joy over me.   Jesus really gave me so much joy on the farm where we worked. We prepared the soil for spinach, planted the spinach, made a stone floor and we helped built mashroom houses.   In al the hard work, tired nights and stiff bodies I really saw and felt the joy that...
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Walk in freedom

When Jesus sets you free from all the lies you believed about yourself and about Him, its like the best day of your life, because you don't feel trapped anymore. You know you can face the world again without the feeling that everything is against you.   In our time at Elim, Jesus really came and broke every lie that held me down and it really "destroyed" my relationship with Jesus without me even noticing it. I always knew my identity is in Christ but I did not believed it. He came and spoke truth into my life and set...
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The start

Before leaving for the nations we had some time in Johannesburg. We served at Gereformeerde church in Linden, but our team, Hidden Paths, was blessed with an opportunity to go too Potchefstroom for a week while the other teams was back at the "hallelujah house" where we then after Potchefstroom also severed. In Potchefstroom we did various things, marketing, leading worship, evangelism, serving at a home group sell and last but not least we did a little bit of manual labor around the pastor's new house.  In Linden we did alot of ministry, but my favorite one was the senior...
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The perfect sculpture

The perfect sculpture
To become a beautiful sculpture, there is first some chiseling to do and to my expectations I didn't think God will do it so quickly. In these few weeks of training I have experienced a kind of love between friends that I never experienced in my life before.  Thank you to the Lord, His Gace and a lot of love, i am now able to connect with people on a deeper level than I have ever been able to connect with people in the past. From day one I felt love and acceptance God chipping away all these lies. Coming...
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